It’s Worth Doing

My daughter Zoey The White Lioness is a rock singer and keeps up a social media presence. However, she was telling me recently that sometimes it’s very discouraging to go on her social media, because she feels like she’s talking to the air or “playing to empty seats.” I tell her to just keep going! What is a challenge today may be a different challenge two years down the line, but that doesn’t mean she needs to stop! It’s Worth Doing

Keep Going

In this life we may encounter frustration and even jealousy as we see others prospering and we remain stagnant. First of all when we get like this we can always research what that person is doing to get a bigger following. However the bigger picture is that we have to keep going. When it seems like no one is there and the only people liking our music is Uncle-what’s-his-name. At least that is something! 

Hard Work

In a world where satisfaction is instant, expecting a career to be “instant” is unrealistic. It takes work, self-discpiline, personal growth & development and leadership. Even those that burst on the scene as a seemingly “overnight sensation” had to start somewhere. For most people it takes a lot of hard work, we cannot expect a hand out just because we have a vision! True leaders, CEO’s, and insriring visionaries started from nothing and created something amazing! I’m not saying you need to reinvent the wheel I am asking are you willing to put in the hard work? Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices?

It Takes Time

As the old saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day.” Tree’s do not grow tall overnight. Seeds take time and nuturing to sprout and blossom! Remember to be patient with the process. Emjoy the journey for these is no other one like it. It’s your journey! Resist the urge to compare yourself to others, because you don’t know what they went through or what they gave up to get where they are. You may not be ready for the next big step, but instead of completely stopping, take baby steps and see where it takes you! It’s Worth doing! If you stop right now what will your business look like in five years compared to if you keep going?