Essential Oils For Health

Stuck at Home Try Essential Oils For Health

Stuck at Home Try Essential Oils For Health | LeBaker Music – Long before modern medicine, essential oils have been used in different cultures for centuries. After all where exactly do these natural treasures come from anyway? From the plants of nature.

I can remember my Great-Grandmother always touting for us to use this plant or that herb for an ailment. Turns out she may not have been that far off, after all she learned the natural, plant based recipes as part of her Native American heritage. As a Christian, I can even imagine these botanically based plants were on Noah’s Ark.

Essential Oils Through History

Think about this, all through history, plant based botanicals have been used. If your familiar with the story of Queen Esther from the Bible, after King Xerses (Ahasuerus) banished his wife Queen Vashti he needed a new Queen. His minions rounded up all the potential maidens in Susa (ancient Persia). Those young ladies had twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed which included “six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics.”  Those my friend are essential oils.

Aromatherapy and medicinal uses of plant based essential oils date back to prehistoric times and their uses are well documented. Essential oils are noted to be used in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, China and the Middle East. Back then people used what was natural and today we are still benefiting from the natural plant based botanicals used in essential oils.

What We Use

Everyone has their favorite brands, I have fallen in love with Plant Therapy because they offer a wide variety and have some organically certified oils (rare in the essential oil world). They are owned by a mom and pop shop in Idaho and their products are made in the USA. They are our favorite essential oils for health. Over the last five or so years, I have developed an affinity for these oils. Below you will find a list of my favorites which I always have on hand.

Just remember to diffuse the oil, you never want to ingest essential oils no matter how good they smell unless you KNOW they are food grade.

Click on any of the pictures to learn more about the oils and see the different sizes that are available.


Essential Oils For Health

Eucalyptus is found in some over the counter medications such as Vicks Vapor rub. It can help loosen mucus, calm cough and some people claim it alleviates the effects of asthma. Along with lemon (below), Eucalyptus is an anti-inflammatory and can be used to prevent infection. When allergies have me stuffed up, I love to plop a few drops in my morning shower and let the steam & Eucalyptus soothe my sinus congestion.



If I could only have one essential oil it would be Lavender. This powerhouse is an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-venomous, and a calming oil. 

And that’s not all of the benefits Lavender offers. I am just touching the surface.

Essential Oils For Health

There are SO many uses for this wonderfully smelling essential oil. You can create an anti-aging oil blend for your skin, treat inflammatory conditions, disinfect wounds, calm itching, reduce stress, calm headaches, and smell it to curb anxiety. There is more, but I will let you discover that on your own. We add Lavender to our bland smelling laundry detergent for allergic folks and it doesn’t make our sensitive skin itch. It makes our clothes smell amazing.



Essential Oils For HealthLemon has been used for centuries for cleaning and disinfecting long before cleaning products were around. The antioxidants and vitamin C are what gives this citrus many benefits. You can diffuse it, rub it on surfaces, and even use Lemon to clean out small cuts. Not only does lemon make a good disinfectant but when diffused, lemon is good for a sore throat and nasal congestion. A few drops in a bath is refreshing and invigorating.



Essential Oils For HealthMany cultures have claimed that inhaling Peppermint oil helps reduce nausea and treat headaches. When diluted the oil also helps calm muscular aches and pains. Smelling the oil can fight fatigue and tension. Peppermint oil is very strong, less is more – blend this one for sure. You will not want to use Peppermint Oil at full strength. Even when diluted with a cutting oil, it may tingle much like Ben-gay when applied to the skin so make sure you are following a good cutting recipe for your blend. Caution: Peppermint oil can be toxic to children and pets. 


Tea Tree Oil

Essential Oils For HealthThis one, my second choice if I can’t have Lavender, has a lot of  uses. One of my favorite is it kills mosquito bite itch fast. Another great use is as a natural hand sanitizer. Tea Tree Oil kills several types of bacteria and viruses (e.coli being one of them). As a versatile cleaning agent, this oil can be used to help keep your home germ free and not smelling like chemicals. It is anti-fungal and is known to help prevent mold on fruit, treat athlete’s foot, and nail fungus. Caution: You always want to dilute tea tree oil. Do not ingest this oil as it is toxic. Do not use it on your pets as it can cause them serious health problems.


Germ Fighter Synergy Blend

Essential Oils For HealthGerm Fighter Synergy – Sinus Health and Cold Blend. Plant Therapy offer several blends and this one is my absolute favorite. It smells great and we burn it in our diffusers ALL THE TIME. Especially during cold and flu season when many people are in and out of our house for different social gatherings. It came in handy during the COVID-19 crisis.

This blend contains Lemon, Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Globulus, Cinnamon Cassia, and Rosemary. We love using Germ Fighter to help keep our bodies alert and our immune system armed and ready. It comes in a roll-on also that travels well. I use it as a hand sanitizer.


Essential Oils For HealthStart Smart

If your just getting started consider purchasing a starter kit. This Plant Therapy kit contains all of the oils I use for our family and “Orange Sweet.”

This set is cheaper than purchasing each oils individually and comes in a nice wooden box. This is the kit I purchased when we made our decision to start using essentials, after my sister kept raving about Lavender. This kit is also available as a subscribe and save item on Amazon.

Reference Book

Essential Oils For Health

And who doesn’t need a good reference book if your gonna do this essential oil thing. My favorite Essential Oil Author is Valerie Ann Worwood. Her books are informative, have great recipes to make your own blends and are written to educate and inform.

Valarie is a consultant clinical aromatherapist with a doctorate in complementary medicine. She has written several books on Essential Oils. I like this one because it is 683 pages of extremely useful and helpful information with over 800 easy to make recipes, conversion charts, carrier oil recommendations, methods of use, index information on each oil, which oil blends well with other oils, and much more. This edition commemorates her 25th Anniversary as a consultant and expert on the clinical use of essential oils internationally.


As with any thing, use common sense, seek medical advise especially if your pregnant or have known health conditions. Essential oils for health are a great natural remedy but remember no essential oil is a magic cure. While the ingredients are natural, do your research to find what works for you. These are just a few notes about a our favorite essential oils that I hope are helpful for you as you endeavor to stay healthy and keep you home clean especially during times of crisis.

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Basic Mixing Tips

Mixing Tips Photo

Howdy beautiful people, this blog is music-centric. I would be honored if you share it with those in your tribe who produce music. We are going to talk about some basic mixing tips. For those with other talents enjoy learning a little about the process of music production.

Mixing is a beast all it’s own. There’s no such thing as a perfect mix because mixing is subjective. Here are some techniques my daughter (Zoey the White Lioness) and I use.


Will Smith in D-Grooves Studio recording vocals for Come On Come On

When sound files are recorded, the default is center pan. This can cause a muddy mix as frequencies are fighting for space. The first thing you want to do is adjust the panning. People have different preferences for where music should pan on the left and right side of the mix.

Panning is simply moving the sound out of the center to the left or right. You may even have a favorite song that has a really cool sound that sneaks up in the recording because it is panned. Several songs use panning in the intro. When you hear more music on one side in your earbuds?  Yes, that is panning. If you keep hearing all the music on one side of your earbuds you may need a new set.

When panning, it is okay to experiment a little. The main thing you want to do is give everything its own space. For example, a tambourine and a hi-hat might sound muddy together, meaning it’s hard to hear the details of each instrument individually.

Try panning the hi-hat to the far right and the tambourine to the far left. The most important thing you should do after that is simple, listen! Another example, a vocal that is drowned out by the bass – try panning the bass just a little to left or right so it still hangs near the center of the mix but isn’t masking the vocal. As a general rule, anything you want to stand out (lead vocal, drums, guitar solos) that drives the song should stay panned to the center.


You can barely hear the vocals because the drums are super loud? Before you turn up the vocals to match the drums, slap on some compression, or adjust the EQ, simply adjust the volume. Turn the drums down. Many times we load up the track with plugins and effects trying to get an instrument or vocal “louder.” Sometimes all that is needed is simply turning down the volume of the drums. Basically you are aiming for getting a good volume balance in the mix.


When you have panned and optimized the volume of your tracks, it’s time to add some compression. You especially want to add compression when you have a track that is peaking. Depending on the song, snare hits tend to be very dynamic and are prone to peaking. Compression can not only tame unruly frequencies but depending where you have your attack, release, and threshold. You can keep the snare sounding full in the mix. You may be tempted to set the attack high on drums but you don’t want to crush the frequencies only tame them. There are tons of compression options for you to explore.


Biggest mixing tip, listen and listen some more. What sounds good on solo in your DAW (digital audio workstation) may not sound good for the whole mix. What sounds good in your headphones may sound different in your car. One trick I learned from a famous mix engineer, Bobby Owsinski is to turn your listening volume down to almost a whisper and listen for what stands out. That was super helpful and is one of the last things I do before I am done mixing.

Mixing is hard to do effectively for hours and hours. If your fighting with a mix, walk away and revisit the process after you give your ears a much-needed break.  Mixing is a big job. There are many great resources that are free to help you. You can always hire a mix engineer as well. It can be challenging to mix your own music. Find a reference track to use. A reference track is simply another song that has the mix close to how you want your song mixed. Whether you hire mixing out or do it yourself, using a reference track keeps you from flying blind therefore your mixing time is more productive. Most importantly, be patient, don’t rush the process and never stop improving!


#mixing #mixingtips #EQ #compression #Nashville #LeBakerMusic

Be The Change

Be The Change we all want to see. We want things to change whether it’s with our jobs, families, or even the government. However, we spend more time talking about the problem then finding a solution. If you get anything out of these blogs know that one of the most powerful things you can do as a leader is be the change you want to see!

After a recent political event that aired on television, I noticed my friends discussing something they observed that was not acceptable in their opinion. I gently responded with a “why don’t you e-mail that particular political person?” Don’t get wrapped up in the politics – take appropriate action and air your ideas and concerns to the right audience. Sure it’s easy to have a comment on social media generate a “rant” and sometimes for good reason. The reality is this – the person you are ranting about is never going to see your social media comment. Be the change you want to see in others or as Gandhi said “Be the change you want to see in the world.”


Be confident in whatever you do regardless of where you are in life. You may not always feel like you can conquer the day much less the world but, you can start by waking up and believing you are going to have an amazing day! It’s that simple. Sure it doesn’t mean you need to be happy all the time, nor is that very realistic. Whether you are a politician, check out clerk or grant writer be confident! Don’t let your status hinder your confidence or vise versa you don’t want to be overconfident either.  And, for goodness sake, don’t compare yourself to anyone else either. That is their story – you go write your own story. My Grandmother used to tell me “you have to wave your own flag.” That is so true. You determine who you are so why not do it with confidence.

Circumstances And Fear

Nmf Matthew WillmanIt’s Black History month, a time we often recall many who rose above their circumstances and fears. One such person is Nelson Mandela. Rolihlahla Mandela (Nelson) was born on July 18, 1918, into the Madiba clan, in Mvezo of the Eastern Cape. His father was the principal counselor to the Acting King of the Thembu people.

As a young boy, Rolihlahla, was impacted by his elders stories of valor in the wars of resistance. Sadly, when he was 12 years old his father died and young Mandela, then known as Rolihlahla became a ward of the state. This defining moment Mandela identifies as the event that spawned his dreams of making his own contributions for the freedom of his people. It was in his primary school years a teacher gave him the Christian name “Nelson,” as was the custom then.

After a series of events including being thrown out of a University because of a Student protest, Nelson graduated with a BA in 1943 from the University of South Africa. He went on to enter politics. By 1952, Nelson was chosen as the National Volunteer-in-Chief of the Defiance Campaign. This campaign protested six unjust laws between the ANC and the South African Indian Congress. Because of the protests, Nelson and 19 others were criminally charged. They were sentenced to nine months of hard labor. That sentence was suspended for two years.

Staying the Course

While working on his BA Mandela’s obtained a two year degree in law. In 1952, Mandela along with a partner established the first black law firm in South Africa, “Mandela & Tambo.” Consequently, by the end of the year, Mandela was restricted and could only watch in the shadows as the “Freedom Charter” was adopted in 1955. South Africa became a very racially charged and turbulent society. Mandela would find himself on trial for treason in 1956, but he was acquitted in 1961. That only inspired Mandela to write to Prime Minister Verwoerd requesting a national convention for a non-racial constitution in South Africa or face a national strike. Subsequently, by going underground and using the name David Motsamayi, he secretly left South Africa to travel to England and around Africa to gain support for the struggle of his people.

It was a difficult journey with many arrests and convictions for Mandela, yet his resolve remained firm. His confidence to stay the course and fight for freedom never wavered. Personally, I believe it is a miracle he was not assassinated. On April 20, 1964, Mandela and 10 other comrades on trial for sabotage, stood their ground. Faced with the death penalty Mandela uttered these words now known as the “Speech from the Dock:

“I have fought against white domination, and I have fought against black domination. I have cherished the ideal of a democratic and free society in which all persons live together in harmony and with equal opportunities. It is an ideal which I hope to live for and to achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal for which I am prepared to die.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Prison and Politics

On June 11, 1964, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Ahmed Kathrada, Govan Mbeki, Raymond Mhlaba, Denis Goldberg, Elias Motsoaledi and Andrew Mlangeni were all sentenced to life in prison. Denied the ability to attend the funeral of his mother in 1968, and his eldest son in 1969, Mandela still fought. Many visited him in prison. His passion to see freedom for all people continued. Mandela initiated talks for an ultimate meeting between the apartheid government and the ANC. He pushed through prostrate surgery, tuberculosis and rejected at least three conditional offers of release. Nine days after the ANC and the PAC was “unbanned” on February 11, 1990, Mandela was the last of his comrades to be released from prison.

Twenty-seven years in prison for wanting people to be free, Mandela immersed himself into talks to end the white minority rule. In 1991, he was elected the ANC President. In 1993, he and President FW de Klerk jointly won the Nobel Peace Prize. Mandela cast a vote for the first time in his life on April 27, 1994 and on May 10, 1994, Nelson Mandela became the first democratically elected, inaugurated Black President of South Africa.

“Nelson Mandela never wavered in his devotion to democracy, equality and learning. Despite terrible provocation, he never answered racism with racism. His life is an inspiration to all who are oppressed and deprived; and to all who are opposed to oppression and deprivation.”

Regardless of where you are at in life remember, your circumstances do not define you. “I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it.. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear.” ~ Nelson Mandela

Be The Change

This timeless and inspiring story transcends beyond Black History Month. A beautiful example and encouraging story of human triumph. Next time you feel like you’re not good enough, the mountain seems too big to climb, or you feel stuck in a bad situation. You are not alone. There are loads of people all over the globe finding ways to be the change they want to see. One of my favorite scriptures in the Bible is 2 Timothy 1:7, from the King James Version. Even if you are not a Christian these words are a powerful and a comforting reminder to combat fear.

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” ~ The Apostle Paul

So maybe your ambition is not running for President. That is fine. Just remember the main point I am sharing here. Stand in confidence and believe you are capable. Stop letting fear hinder you. You will be surprised what you can do!


#LeBakerMusic #BeExtraordinary #Leadership #NashvilleTN

#Be The Change | LeBaker

Music Marketing Strategies

In a world where there is so much music to choose from it is truly the best time to market your music. For one it’s easier than ever to get your music out there. Furthermore, there are many opportunities and platforms for independent artists. However, with so many options you may be faced with the problem “Where do I start?” or “What can I do next to increase momentum?” Music Marketing Strategies

Join A Community

Find a niche on Facebook or a Meetup and get involved in a community specific to your brand and genre. Don’t just throw your music out there hoping someone likes it! Share other people’s posts and build community rapport. When we become productive and invested positive members of a community, people are more willing to listen to what we have to offer.

Whatever you do don’t spam! This is a huge mistake many artists make when they start out. Think about the people you may have connected with on social media and the next message you receive from them is “hey, buy my widget, blah, blah, blah!” That is the quickest way to be unfriended or blocked. I can’t stress this enough! “Making it” in music is about building relationships if you join a Facebook group just to spam your latest single. You probably won’t get very far.


I’m not just talking about getting on a curated Spotify playlist here. You can ask a friend to put you on a playlist they made and share it to Facebook or Twitter. A word of caution, make sure your music is similar to music on their playlist! The genre should be the same.

For example don’t ask your hard & heavy metal rocker friend at Church to put your new Cinematic and Inspirational Pop ballad on their play list when it does not fit the genre. That is like painting a spot on a green wall with orange paint. I think you get the idea.

Tell People!

There’s a time in a place for marketing yourself. You don’t need to wander around a gas station selling your album for two dollars. Your local area may even have city codes and restrictions making this type of soliciting a finable and illegal offense.

Instead take some time to get to know people in your tribe  – whether it is at church, school, or work, you know, the people in your safe space. Those you are most familiar with who also happen to like the style of music you do. Give them a card or free download. Ask if they would like a CD. It’s all about building rapport from a genuine motive with people. People need to know, like and trust you, so start with those who already do. Don’t forget to ask for referrals, offer to play at their child’s birthday party or to do something special with your talent for an anniversary. Find a way to bring value to them and build that relationship.

Let me share a story from an experience I had. When I was touring full-time, as I was singing at the Assisted Living home, where a family member resided in Massachusetts, a random woman came up to me and introduced herself. She was the sister of a woman I had connected with a few years earlier in another State. That precious friend in South Carolina let her sister in Massachusetts know she could come see me sing at a private concert. I am not even sure how she was able to get past the staff to come to the concert. I was humbled and honored and gave her a free CD. You never know who is your fan and who is invested in helping you unless you build that relationship. 

Don’t Forget

In conclusion, make a plan. Where are the places you want to market your music?  List them, then figure out how to connect and open those doors. Break this down further into manageable “to do” task increments of 30, 60 and 90 days. Now chip away at them one day at a time but do something every day rather than try to boil the ocean

Nashville #MusicMarketing #lebakermusic #musicbusiness #thebusinesssideofmusic #johnmaxwell #jmt #musicblog Music Marketing Strategies | LeBaker Music

It’s Worth Doing

My daughter Zoey The White Lioness is a rock singer and keeps up a social media presence. However, she was telling me recently that sometimes it’s very discouraging to go on her social media, because she feels like she’s talking to the air or “playing to empty seats.” I tell her to just keep going! What is a challenge today may be a different challenge two years down the line, but that doesn’t mean she needs to stop! It’s Worth Doing

Keep Going

In this life we may encounter frustration and even jealousy as we see others prospering and we remain stagnant. First of all when we get like this we can always research what that person is doing to get a bigger following. However the bigger picture is that we have to keep going. When it seems like no one is there and the only people liking our music is Uncle-what’s-his-name. At least that is something! 

Hard Work

In a world where satisfaction is instant, expecting a career to be “instant” is unrealistic. It takes work, self-discpiline, personal growth & development and leadership. Even those that burst on the scene as a seemingly “overnight sensation” had to start somewhere. For most people it takes a lot of hard work, we cannot expect a hand out just because we have a vision! True leaders, CEO’s, and insriring visionaries started from nothing and created something amazing! I’m not saying you need to reinvent the wheel I am asking are you willing to put in the hard work? Are you willing to make the necessary sacrifices?

It Takes Time

As the old saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day.” Tree’s do not grow tall overnight. Seeds take time and nuturing to sprout and blossom! Remember to be patient with the process. Emjoy the journey for these is no other one like it. It’s your journey! Resist the urge to compare yourself to others, because you don’t know what they went through or what they gave up to get where they are. You may not be ready for the next big step, but instead of completely stopping, take baby steps and see where it takes you! It’s Worth doing! If you stop right now what will your business look like in five years compared to if you keep going?

The Power of Mindset

Have you ever used the phrase; “This always happens to me!” How about, “I’m a worrier because, it runs in the family.” When we do this we underestimate ourselves because of the power of mindset. Understand, the mindset is a powerful thing.  Sometimes we think everything is stopping us when it’s really ourselves. That is due to the power of mindset.

Getting To the Core

The vital core of leadership is based mostly on mindset. You may think all you need is to be rich, good looking, or powerful. However, what really makes a great leader successful is how they handle day to day challenges. They have made up in their minds that failure is not an option. Replace toxic phrases such as, “This always happens to me!” They say, “Oh, well next time will be better.” Instead of “Oh, it runs in the family.” They say, “No! It’s time to break this pattern!” “I failed.” Is replaced with, ” I found five ways not to do something.” 

Big Changes

Watch how things change when you do this. I’m not saying your life will be perfect and you’ll get everything you want. However, you’ll be surprised how confident you’ll feel when you get out of a negative mindset. You’ll see life in a whole new way. No longer will you feel trapped by the cards you’ve been dealt with. 

Taking Out The Trash

It’s similar to taking the garbage out. No one wants to keep garbage. Visualize yourself throwing away those negative thoughts. It is time to let go and be the leader you were born to be. What have you got to loose? Don’t wait till New Years to rewire your thinking. There is no time like the present! The sky’s the limit! Go out there and be a leader!

Random Notes October 2012


Pictured Rocks National Shoreline, Lake Superior, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula

Repost of Random Notes October 2012 | In July, we were asked to return to the Lighthouse Coffee House in Clarksville, TN.

By early August we headed to Minnesota by way of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. What a beautiful part of the country, We came thru that little stretch of Wisconsin and made our way to Two Harbors, MN and ministered for a few events at Living Waters Church. Check out this parody of “Hotel California” called “Thawed Out Frozen Tundra” James and I wrote.

Back in Nashvegas I was back at the Hope Center for Women. I love these ladies. They have so much courage. In September I was back at Summertown but speaking this time instead of singing. Well I did a little of that as well. I preached a message on Forgiveness. When I was don’t the Holy Spirit took over and the altars were full. It always blesses me to see God work when I get out of the way.

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National Quartet Convention 2012

It is truly a wonderful opportunity but I am most excited about seeing some old friends…and of coarse singing. Sometimes I feel like God opens strange doors for me, because I am not really a Southern Gospel Artist, I just love the music, it get’s down to business with lyrics that still use the words “cross’ and ‘blood.” When God opens doors I love to see what He has in store. It is always a blessing! If you are coming to NQC – I am singing at 2:15 PM in the Jubilee Music Artist Showcase – room C1 on the main floor. Sunday – I am also leading Worship at my home church which I LOVE!

Pinch me am I singing with Karen Peck & New River

After NQC thanks to a contact from Clarksville I was scheduled to be at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We had a wonderful time in the Lord! I closed out the year with a surprise impromptu sing-a-long on “We Shall Wear A Robe and Crown,” with Karen Peck and New River in Murfreesboro, TN. I love Karen and her sister Susan. I love even more that at the end of this concert in a restaurant she gave a call to Salvation!


Random Notes July 2012

Events Highlights

Repost of Random Notes July 2012 | Our year started out with a speaking engagement for the Fort Gordon, GA PWOC Ladies Group. Then in February I rubbed elbows with musicians that played with Elvis Presley.

A concert at Bell Road and some volunteer work with Soul Choir also highlighted the events in February. At Trevecca, my current employer I enjoy singing the National Anthem for sporting events. In March I met Benjamin Schultz who played with Led Zeppelin and Duane Hitchings who wrote songs for Rod Stewart. God sure has a sense of humor and they two seasoned pros had some really good advise for me. In March, I was invited to Indie on the Brink at the lovely and talented Lara Landon’s home.

Speaking at Blackman High School

In March I was amazed to find myself singing and speaking at Blackman High School in Murfreeboro, TN to a group of teenagers. I then had the difficult task along with two others to judge a talent competition. It was difficult because they all had gifts and mad skills! The pointers I shared with them really apply to all of us so I thought I would share them with you. Our lives are our “One Moment in Time,” – for we have but this one moment to be all God has created us to be. Here are the points I shared with about 300 high school students.

1. Do something every day – Proverbs 10:4 “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring

2. Learn and be teachable – Proverbs 1:5 “let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the
discerning get guidance”

3. Define what makes you different, what makes you – you – Romans 12:6 “…Having gifts that differ
according to the grace given to us, let us use them”

4. Invest in and continue to improve your talent – Matthew 25:15-28 – Parable of the Talents you have
homework – go read this one – click on the reference link

5. Pay it forward – give back – Luke 12:48 “…. to whom much has been given, much will be required; and
from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded” Do you realize Abraham
Lincoln said this and then in the 1st Spiderman movie, Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben said it but Jesus said it

That’s it, nothing new but it helps me to have it in a 5 step reminder as I am on this journey. I pray it is a
blessing to you too. 🙂

Award Winning Photo by Aaron Thompson

In May of 2012, James and  I wrote A Soldier’s Child for a charity event. You can read the story behind the song here. As a songwriter it can be challenging to understand if you have a good song, a great song or a song that well, is best left alone – lol.

Our songs can be our babies and we think they are all perfect and we want to do our utmost to protect them. Then hopefully, like me you get over that. When I sang “A Soldiers Child” for the banquet. I butchered the song and had to make up words on the fly during the chorus but hey, it’s mu song. No one has heard it so they don’t know what it is supposed to sound like. Well when I was done, thinking this tough Nashville crowd would laugh me out of the room, I was pleasantly surprised and humbled by a standing ovation.

I learned through some songwriting connections that Tim McGraw was looking for songs. So I submitted “A Soldiers Child” to a publishing company. The song was not selected but the feedback was so encouraging I had to share it so here it is.

“Your song was not selected for the following reason(s)

WRT: “A Soldier’s Child” James and Judith Baker, Well, it is very easy to understand why you submitted this song in our “Tim McGraw” dropbox. It is very well written and clearly demonstrates your understanding of commercially viable music. As a commercial publisher, we,
here at Sweet Rosie Music, very much appreciate that. The lyrics are outstandingly emotional and the demo has an excellent vocal track as well. Your song was advanced through several levels of approval but unfortunately, our final decision board felt that the hook of the chorus may not be strong enough to support the weight of a single in today’s highly competitive country marketplace. These types of decisions are so highly subjective that they are hard to articulate. We, of course, realize this is disappointing to you, but please do not get discouraged as writers. We can offer only one opinion in a world of many, and we can assure you that we have been wrong just as often as we have been right. That is the nature of the business that we are in. If anything, we would want to ENCOURAGE you and let you know that many professionals listened to, and discussed your work this week, and without exception, they were all impressed. The “bar” for Mr. McGraw is VERY VERY high. Thank you again for a quality submission. Sincerely,

The A&R Staff Sweet Rosie Music
Good candidate but regretfully it doesn’t make the final cut”

Once again I am humbled and blessed. I got a few skills after all. Now to keep trying.

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In June, Nashville First Church of the Nazarene, our largest in Tennessee invited me to come and minister. I was also able to share music with their homeless ministry as they were fed. Nothing better than helping feed people physically and spiritually.  In July we were back in Marcellus, MI for concerts at Marcellus United Methodist, Waklee United Methodist and a Patriotic themed event at the Drive-in Bible Church. This time without my mother. She left us for Glory in 2010. It has take me the past two years to start traveling and doing events with out her. She is loved, missed and I know I will see her again when it’s my turn to leave this planet. I wrapped up July with a concert at the Lighthouse Coffee House in Clarksville, TN.