Do You Need a Plan B

Do You Need a Plan B

Do you need a Plan B? That is an interesting question isn’t it. Coming out of the COVID crisis a lot of people were caught off guard finding themselves in a predicament where they had to rapidly come up with their Plan B.

To Plan B or not to Plan B

Let’s examine the behind the scenes success stories of two people. Our first person is a musician. He moved to Nashville to pursue his dream of becoming a professional Country Music Artist. He gave himself two years to get into the music business. That is all he did, his goal is all he focused on. Some thought he was wasting his time yet others cheered him on. Ultimately he did indeed become a successful Country Artist in less than two years. When he was asked in an interview “What was his plan B?” He responded, “I didn’t have one.”

Our second person also a musician, incredibly could shoot some serious hoop. He was so good that by the time he was in college he was being scouted for the MBA. Unfortunately, a debleating injury put the kibosh on his dream of playing  professional basketball. If you’re thinking now he has a Plan B you are correct. Turns out this multi-talented young man was also a concert pianist and went on to become a very successful Christian Music Artist.

Thoughts to Consider About Plan B

Obviously as you can determine from the stories of both men having a Plan B is situational. At the same time, what you do if your Plan A fails is entirely dependent on you and your God given abilities. Personally I am a person that has their hands in a lot of things but I respect and expect everyone is not wired like me. Here are some pointers for figuring out this whole Plan B thing:

    • What is the thing that you dream about doing? The thing you were born to do? Is it only one thing or is it multiple things. How can you prioritize what is Plan A and then Plan B?
    • If you find you only have one thing that you gravitate to then do that one thing with conviction, determinization, and drive, your plan B may be there will never be a Plan B.
    • Are you in a position that if your Plan A does not go as planned you can let it go and what will you do next?

In Conclusion

Because people are wired different and God gives people talents as He see’s fit, the main point I really hope to get across is this. What ever you do, do it to the best of your ability and do not let yourself be crippled by the fear of failure or the disapproval of the naysayers.

News & Reminders

    1. Order my latest Book “Bigger Than Me
    2. Listen to LeBaker music on Apple Music, Spotify, or your favorite streaming service
    3. Ways to connect: Telegram, Rumble, YouTube Channel

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The Power of Humor

The Power of Humor When Networking

Do you find yourself stiffing up when you go to a networking event or a meeting? Do you tend to do this a lot? Today’s blog from LeBaker Music is here to help you by providing some pointers to hopefully make your next social encounter less tense through the power of humor!

Trick Your Mind


If you find yourself sweating at an interview or business meeting, one excellent way to calm down is simply relax your shoulders. This can trick your mind into being less tense. Here’s the thing to note, when we tense up, it signals our minds to go into fight or flight mode. When we calm down and allow ourselves some leeway, we can take a deep breath and relax. Now this doesn’t mean slouching and putting your feet up on the table at a business meeting or in that important interview.

However, even if you relax your shoulders and don’t feel calmer at first, try finding a mirror. Now, watch yourself as you say some words of encouragement to yourself. For example, say things like, “I can do this.” “No one is better than anyone else in there.” “I have confidence in me.” Never compare yourself to someone else and don’t beat yourself up. Focus on why your there, why your a good fit, and why you have no reason to be afraid or intimidated. That is how you can trick your mind into calmer state. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work the first time, keep trying. Old habits die hard.

Networking Can Be Fun

Being an introvert social situations can be a bit scary for me. One way I conquer this is by inserting some humor into my social interactions. For example instead of putting Zoey on my name tag I could put something crazy like, “Queen Elizabeth.” It breaks the ice, it starts a conversation, and people are more drawn towards someone who can comfortably laugh at themselves. Think about it, everyone at a networking event is a little scared, a little nervous, and you won’t make the best impression if you come across as too serious. Now I’m not saying you need to go as far as I did in the example, but there are plenty of different ways you can have a playful lighthearted laugh with a stranger and have fun! The power of humor when networking goes a long way.

Find a Good Book to Make You Laugh

Healing Through Humor: Fabulous Jokes From the Happy Hunters – Paperback

The funny thing about humor with Judith is when she tries to be funny she is not funny. But, when she is not trying to be funny, she can do things that are so hysterical. I have watched her not take herself so seriously and those around her enjoy her company all the more.

According to Psychology Today, “Laughter reduces pain, increases job performance, connects people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain.” So find something to help you “yuk-it-up!”

Dr. Michael Miller from the University of Maryland shared that in a study making people laugh did as much “good for their arteries as aerobic activity.” Now this isn’t an opportunity to quit that necessary exercise regimen but you can see how important laughter is.

So find a good resource, a favorite comedy, a favorite memory or a good book that is just downright funny. “Healing Through Humor: Fabulous Jokes From the Happy Hunter,” is a great option to add to your library.

Allow Yourself To Try Again

All the stuff listed above isn’t perfected overnight. Some of it may come more naturally than others, but don’t be discouraged!! Life is a learning process. There is a famous quote that says, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” – Thomas A. Edison. Keep at it and don’t stop learning, growing, and improving!


Blog Author Zoey Baker

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Essential Oils For Health

Stuck at Home Try Essential Oils For Health

Stuck at Home Try Essential Oils For Health | LeBaker Music – Long before modern medicine, essential oils have been used in different cultures for centuries. After all where exactly do these natural treasures come from anyway? From the plants of nature.

I can remember my Great-Grandmother always touting for us to use this plant or that herb for an ailment. Turns out she may not have been that far off, after all she learned the natural, plant based recipes as part of her Native American heritage. As a Christian, I can even imagine these botanically based plants were on Noah’s Ark.

Essential Oils Through History

Think about this, all through history, plant based botanicals have been used. If your familiar with the story of Queen Esther from the Bible, after King Xerses (Ahasuerus) banished his wife Queen Vashti he needed a new Queen. His minions rounded up all the potential maidens in Susa (ancient Persia). Those young ladies had twelve months of beauty treatments prescribed which included “six months with oil of myrrh and six with perfumes and cosmetics.”  Those my friend are essential oils.

Aromatherapy and medicinal uses of plant based essential oils date back to prehistoric times and their uses are well documented. Essential oils are noted to be used in ancient Egypt, Greece, India, China and the Middle East. Back then people used what was natural and today we are still benefiting from the natural plant based botanicals used in essential oils.

What We Use

Everyone has their favorite brands, I have fallen in love with Plant Therapy because they offer a wide variety and have some organically certified oils (rare in the essential oil world). They are owned by a mom and pop shop in Idaho and their products are made in the USA. They are our favorite essential oils for health. Over the last five or so years, I have developed an affinity for these oils. Below you will find a list of my favorites which I always have on hand.

Just remember to diffuse the oil, you never want to ingest essential oils no matter how good they smell unless you KNOW they are food grade.

Click on any of the pictures to learn more about the oils and see the different sizes that are available.


Essential Oils For Health

Eucalyptus is found in some over the counter medications such as Vicks Vapor rub. It can help loosen mucus, calm cough and some people claim it alleviates the effects of asthma. Along with lemon (below), Eucalyptus is an anti-inflammatory and can be used to prevent infection. When allergies have me stuffed up, I love to plop a few drops in my morning shower and let the steam & Eucalyptus soothe my sinus congestion.



If I could only have one essential oil it would be Lavender. This powerhouse is an antibacterial, antimicrobial, antiseptic, antidepressant, analgesic, anti-infectious, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-venomous, and a calming oil. 

And that’s not all of the benefits Lavender offers. I am just touching the surface.

Essential Oils For Health

There are SO many uses for this wonderfully smelling essential oil. You can create an anti-aging oil blend for your skin, treat inflammatory conditions, disinfect wounds, calm itching, reduce stress, calm headaches, and smell it to curb anxiety. There is more, but I will let you discover that on your own. We add Lavender to our bland smelling laundry detergent for allergic folks and it doesn’t make our sensitive skin itch. It makes our clothes smell amazing.



Essential Oils For HealthLemon has been used for centuries for cleaning and disinfecting long before cleaning products were around. The antioxidants and vitamin C are what gives this citrus many benefits. You can diffuse it, rub it on surfaces, and even use Lemon to clean out small cuts. Not only does lemon make a good disinfectant but when diffused, lemon is good for a sore throat and nasal congestion. A few drops in a bath is refreshing and invigorating.



Essential Oils For HealthMany cultures have claimed that inhaling Peppermint oil helps reduce nausea and treat headaches. When diluted the oil also helps calm muscular aches and pains. Smelling the oil can fight fatigue and tension. Peppermint oil is very strong, less is more – blend this one for sure. You will not want to use Peppermint Oil at full strength. Even when diluted with a cutting oil, it may tingle much like Ben-gay when applied to the skin so make sure you are following a good cutting recipe for your blend. Caution: Peppermint oil can be toxic to children and pets. 


Tea Tree Oil

Essential Oils For HealthThis one, my second choice if I can’t have Lavender, has a lot of  uses. One of my favorite is it kills mosquito bite itch fast. Another great use is as a natural hand sanitizer. Tea Tree Oil kills several types of bacteria and viruses (e.coli being one of them). As a versatile cleaning agent, this oil can be used to help keep your home germ free and not smelling like chemicals. It is anti-fungal and is known to help prevent mold on fruit, treat athlete’s foot, and nail fungus. Caution: You always want to dilute tea tree oil. Do not ingest this oil as it is toxic. Do not use it on your pets as it can cause them serious health problems.


Germ Fighter Synergy Blend

Essential Oils For HealthGerm Fighter Synergy – Sinus Health and Cold Blend. Plant Therapy offer several blends and this one is my absolute favorite. It smells great and we burn it in our diffusers ALL THE TIME. Especially during cold and flu season when many people are in and out of our house for different social gatherings. It came in handy during the COVID-19 crisis.

This blend contains Lemon, Clove Bud, Eucalyptus, Globulus, Cinnamon Cassia, and Rosemary. We love using Germ Fighter to help keep our bodies alert and our immune system armed and ready. It comes in a roll-on also that travels well. I use it as a hand sanitizer.


Essential Oils For HealthStart Smart

If your just getting started consider purchasing a starter kit. This Plant Therapy kit contains all of the oils I use for our family and “Orange Sweet.”

This set is cheaper than purchasing each oils individually and comes in a nice wooden box. This is the kit I purchased when we made our decision to start using essentials, after my sister kept raving about Lavender. This kit is also available as a subscribe and save item on Amazon.

Reference Book

Essential Oils For Health

And who doesn’t need a good reference book if your gonna do this essential oil thing. My favorite Essential Oil Author is Valerie Ann Worwood. Her books are informative, have great recipes to make your own blends and are written to educate and inform.

Valarie is a consultant clinical aromatherapist with a doctorate in complementary medicine. She has written several books on Essential Oils. I like this one because it is 683 pages of extremely useful and helpful information with over 800 easy to make recipes, conversion charts, carrier oil recommendations, methods of use, index information on each oil, which oil blends well with other oils, and much more. This edition commemorates her 25th Anniversary as a consultant and expert on the clinical use of essential oils internationally.


As with any thing, use common sense, seek medical advise especially if your pregnant or have known health conditions. Essential oils for health are a great natural remedy but remember no essential oil is a magic cure. While the ingredients are natural, do your research to find what works for you. These are just a few notes about a our favorite essential oils that I hope are helpful for you as you endeavor to stay healthy and keep you home clean especially during times of crisis.

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Enjoy The Moment

When was the last time you stopped to enjoy the moment? When you’re at work do you constantly wish you weren’t there? Where would you rather be? The beach, Paris, or just home? When life gets tough and we find ourselves in tense situations we immediately forget that regardless if we are at our jobs or at the beach. Wherever we go there we are. If you are unhappy at your job do you really think a vacation is going to drastically change your happiness? Instead of being miserable for weeks and hoping for that two week vacation in Florida. Enjoy each moment. 

The Forest

Let me give an example, you go to work but you are frustrated because someone else got a promotion. Now you feel ignored, unappreciated, and you let it ruin your whole week. Meanwhile you have a kid at home who is healthy, happy and adores you. You end up ignoring them and that nice picture on the fridge they drew for you. At this point you need to stop! You need to take a deep breath and focus on your forest, not just the one tree that didn’t grow the way you want it to. 

Enjoy The Gift Of Life

Life is a gift, it doesn’t  matter your social status, title, or position! Yes, not getting a well deserved promotion is frustrating but think about what you do have. Reflect on what you’ve been blessed with. You only get one life! Don’t spend everyday wishing you had whatever is you have your eye on. Life has so much more to offer you and what worries you right now may not be a big deal the next day. Next time you find negativity over-staying its welcome, take a step back, take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

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