What entered my head as a catchy tune in 1992 became the song “Come On Come On.” At the same time I was inspired by the words in Psalms, written by King David that speak about how creation praises the Lord. Enjoy Come On Come On | Story Behind Song
For instance, Psalms 148, defines all the elements in creation praising Him. Because I am a lover of mountains and beautiful skies these lyrical and poetic words inspired me. Furthermore, I also love the story of King David dancing and worshiping to the Lord to celebrate victory in war. Consequently these are events and topics I can relate to with my leadership, strategic, military-minded, songwriting and sometimes Pentecostal brain.
Inspired By My Distant Great-Grandfather

Surprisingly, many years later, I learned – I am the distant Great Granddaughter of King David, from the tribe of Judah. This makes so much sense to me as a musician, leader and songwriter.
Music, celebration, soldering, worshiping – they are all embedded in the layers of my DNA fiber. My very name “Judith” is the female version of “Judah.” Notably, Judith means “Praise of the Lord.” Just like my incredible forefather, my goal for writing “Come On Come On” is to extend an invitation and reinforce a worshipful message about the Lord. Jesus is coming back and He is taking all of His children with Him. “So please be one of us” is my plea. And if you are part of the blessed “body of Christ” then “let’s be bold and proclaim!”
How can you not be excited!
“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever.” 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 (New International Version) Personally, I can’t wait but until that day, here, there or in the air – I will Praise the Lord!
Production Notes | Come On Come On | Story Behind Song
On the production side, I heard horns in this song and more choral, pop sound in 1992. My producer took the song in a techno direction. I loved it. He added his magic and spiced up the bridge giving it a “live” feeling. Yes, all this was done in the studio. Now that I have my own production studio, I plan to produce a re-mix of the song showcasing the original sound I heard in my head, well at some point. Special thanks to Will Smith for his traveling to Atlanta to help with the Bass background vocals.
Inspired by 2 Samuel 6:14 and Psalms Chapters 103, 117, 145, and 148
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
For He is worthy to be praised
Worthy, worthy, worthy to be praised!
(Verse 1)
The sky shall unfold to tell the story
Revealing the signs, the power and the glory
The earth shall proclaim, the hills shall shout!
And we who love the Lord, Will march on out!
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
For He is worthy to be praised
Worthy, worthy, worthy to be praised!
(Verse 2)
Every knee shall bow, every tongue confess
The Son of David will no longer rest
He’s come for His faithful
Who called on His name
So please be one of us
Let’s be bold and proclaim!
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
For He is worthy to be praised
Worthy, worthy, worthy to be praised!
(Bass) Praise You, Praise You, Praise You
We praise Your Holy Name! (repeat 4 times)
(Tenor) Let us Go, Let us Go! (Repeat 3 times)
(Alto) Praise the Lord! (Repeat 2 times)
(Soprano) Praise the Lord!
Worthy, worthy, worthy
(Worthy, worthy, worthy)
Worthy, worthy, worthy,
Worthy, worthy, worthy!
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
For He is worthy
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
Come on, Come on, let us praise the Lord
For He is worthy to be praised
Worthy, worthy, worthy to be praised!
(End Tag)
Worthy, worthy, worthy to be praised!
Come on, Come on!
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