Inspired from a challenge here is the In Spirit and Truth | Story Behind Song. While I was a Choir member and attended Boise First Church of the Nazarene, in Boise, Idaho. Our Music Minister, Royce Mitchell (Liberty Quartet Founder) challenged each of us as choir members. He shared John 4:23-24.
Royce impressed upon me that our job is worshiping with everything we have, not just showing up and going through the motions of being in a choir or on a praise team. Every choir member adds to worship and every choir member is a worship leader.

“But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” John 4:23-24 (King James Version).
Worship or Going Thru the Motions
It’s no secret I have been a singer all my life. According to my mother, I performed professionally at the ripe old age of four. At the age of 33, I believe the Lord called me to use my gifts and talents to serve Him. Largely, that is how the music for his project was born. I began writing songs for the Lord that are now on this project. I continue to have a burning desire to honor the Lord in this manner. Consequently, this is more than an “x” in a box, or crossing off an item from my to-do list. To put it another way, Worship is now a way of life, a lifestyle for me. All thanks to Royce and this challenge. I have never looked at how I worship the Lord the same.
(Verse 1)
But an hour is coming and now is
When the true worshipers shall worship the Father
In Spirit and Truth
For such people the Father seeks
To be His worshipers
God is Spirit and those who worship Him
Must worship in Spirit and Truth
In Spirit and Truth
In Spirit and Truth
For we must worship In Spirit and Truth
(Repeat Verse and Chorus)
God is Spirit and I will worship Him
I will worship in Spirit and Truth
Repeat Chorus
(End Tag)
(Spoken)We must worship Him
In Spirit and Truth
In Spirit and Truth
In Spirit and Truth