Managing Your Christmas Card List

When you run a business the Holidays is an important time to recognize and remember faithful clientele. I have to admit, the daunting task of sending Christmas cards is not one I enjoy. To be transparent it is the time that I struggle with. In this blog I have a suggestion for managing your Christmas card list.

As a result over the years, I have missed opportunities to share Holiday cheer and deepen my client relationships. However, I found a tool I fell in love with called “Postable.” So before I share this tool with all of you I have to share some of the companies that like me use Postable. How about well known outfits like The New York Times, Lifehacker and Martha Stewart Weddings. I am in love with this service and I use it for all of the cards I mail to customers, friends and family!

Meet Postable

Postable is a one-stop kind of place. You simply pick a card, type your message, and then Postable will print, stamp, and mail the cards for you! Not to mention the paper they use is 100% recycled. They use realistic handwriting fonts that give people a more personalized experience. Best of all no hidden pricing and volume discounts!

The benefit for you is no more shopping for the right card, loosing addresses, forgetting to send cards for important events and spending precious HOURS from start to finish just to send your cards. You can even upload your own design for those of you who want to add a creative flair or business branded materials.

This service is a no brainer for me because the one resource I never have enough of is time. Already have an address list in a spreadsheet – upload it! There is a card for any occasion and a REMIDER service. No matter the occasion for sending a card, Postable will print, stuff, stamp, address and mail all of your cards directly to everyone for you. Can you say snail mail heaven! Oh it gets better, take advantage of the automated service meaning you can schedule all of your birthday cards for your friends, customers, church members, or anyone in advance!

Special Offer – Save Some Money When You Sign Up

From my business to your business, use this unique Postable code MRUCIWU7C4 when you place your first order of $20 or more and you will receive $5 off. So what are you waiting for, in this quarantined time where we all need more human connection. What better way than a personalized Holiday greeting to make someone’s day and show you care.

#LeBakerMusic #Beextraordinary #womeninbusiness #entrepreneur #johnmaxwellteam #holidaycards #businesstool #postable #snailmail


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