Events Highlights
Repost of Random Notes July 2012 | Our year started out with a speaking engagement for the Fort Gordon, GA PWOC Ladies Group. Then in February I rubbed elbows with musicians that played with Elvis Presley.
A concert at Bell Road and some volunteer work with Soul Choir also highlighted the events in February. At Trevecca, my current employer I enjoy singing the National Anthem for sporting events. In March I met Benjamin Schultz who played with Led Zeppelin and Duane Hitchings who wrote songs for Rod Stewart. God sure has a sense of humor and they two seasoned pros had some really good advise for me. In March, I was invited to Indie on the Brink at the lovely and talented Lara Landon’s home.
Speaking at Blackman High School
In March I was amazed to find myself singing and speaking at Blackman High School in Murfreeboro, TN to a group of teenagers. I then had the difficult task along with two others to judge a talent competition. It was difficult because they all had gifts and mad skills! The pointers I shared with them really apply to all of us so I thought I would share them with you. Our lives are our “One Moment in Time,” – for we have but this one moment to be all God has created us to be. Here are the points I shared with about 300 high school students.
1. Do something every day – Proverbs 10:4 “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring
2. Learn and be teachable – Proverbs 1:5 “let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the
discerning get guidance”
3. Define what makes you different, what makes you – you – Romans 12:6 “…Having gifts that differ
according to the grace given to us, let us use them”
4. Invest in and continue to improve your talent – Matthew 25:15-28 – Parable of the Talents you have
homework – go read this one – click on the reference link
5. Pay it forward – give back – Luke 12:48 “…. to whom much has been given, much will be required; and
from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded” Do you realize Abraham
Lincoln said this and then in the 1st Spiderman movie, Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben said it but Jesus said it
That’s it, nothing new but it helps me to have it in a 5 step reminder as I am on this journey. I pray it is a
blessing to you too. 🙂

In May of 2012, James and I wrote A Soldier’s Child for a charity event. You can read the story behind the song here. As a songwriter it can be challenging to understand if you have a good song, a great song or a song that well, is best left alone – lol.
Our songs can be our babies and we think they are all perfect and we want to do our utmost to protect them. Then hopefully, like me you get over that. When I sang “A Soldiers Child” for the banquet. I butchered the song and had to make up words on the fly during the chorus but hey, it’s mu song. No one has heard it so they don’t know what it is supposed to sound like. Well when I was done, thinking this tough Nashville crowd would laugh me out of the room, I was pleasantly surprised and humbled by a standing ovation.
I learned through some songwriting connections that Tim McGraw was looking for songs. So I submitted “A Soldiers Child” to a publishing company. The song was not selected but the feedback was so encouraging I had to share it so here it is.
“Your song was not selected for the following reason(s)
WRT: “A Soldier’s Child” James and Judith Baker, Well, it is very easy to understand why you submitted this song in our “Tim McGraw” dropbox. It is very well written and clearly demonstrates your understanding of commercially viable music. As a commercial publisher, we,
here at Sweet Rosie Music, very much appreciate that. The lyrics are outstandingly emotional and the demo has an excellent vocal track as well. Your song was advanced through several levels of approval but unfortunately, our final decision board felt that the hook of the chorus may not be strong enough to support the weight of a single in today’s highly competitive country marketplace. These types of decisions are so highly subjective that they are hard to articulate. We, of course, realize this is disappointing to you, but please do not get discouraged as writers. We can offer only one opinion in a world of many, and we can assure you that we have been wrong just as often as we have been right. That is the nature of the business that we are in. If anything, we would want to ENCOURAGE you and let you know that many professionals listened to, and discussed your work this week, and without exception, they were all impressed. The “bar” for Mr. McGraw is VERY VERY high. Thank you again for a quality submission. Sincerely,
The A&R Staff Sweet Rosie Music
Good candidate but regretfully it doesn’t make the final cut”
Once again I am humbled and blessed. I got a few skills after all. Now to keep trying.
In June, Nashville First Church of the Nazarene, our largest in Tennessee invited me to come and minister. I was also able to share music with their homeless ministry as they were fed. Nothing better than helping feed people physically and spiritually. In July we were back in Marcellus, MI for concerts at Marcellus United Methodist, Waklee United Methodist and a Patriotic themed event at the Drive-in Bible Church. This time without my mother. She left us for Glory in 2010. It has take me the past two years to start traveling and doing events with out her. She is loved, missed and I know I will see her again when it’s my turn to leave this planet. I wrapped up July with a concert at the Lighthouse Coffee House in Clarksville, TN.