Random Notes March 2009 | The year began with me leading worship for the TN District Ladies Breakaway. It was a great event with Allison Durham Speer as our speaker. Being a part of helping ladies rest, refresh and re-energize is fantastic!
In February we were back at Summertown for a wonderful morning of Praise and Worship. We always enjoy the Bravos. We also made a quick trip up to Battle Creek for my Nephew’s Baby Dedication at Battle Creek First Church of the Nazarene where I sang Mama’s Song (Judith’s Lullaby).
By the time March arrived it was time for the showcase at the Indieheaven CIA Summit where Mom and Zoey accompanied me. I shared this event with Brian Duncan! Mom was sitting next to him and they were having a great conversation.
At the Summit I met Valleta Lanier. I was very impressed by her heart and her message “Let God Be Your Manager,” I eventually commissioned Valleta’s husband, an established Christian Artist and Songwriter, Gary Lanier to score “Unshakable Faith.” Little did I know just how established Gary was until I found myself rehearsing one of Gary’s songs – “Honor and Majesty,” with our church choir. Gary and his wife Valleta are incredible, humble and have a huge heart to share what they know with like minded Christian artists. I am looking forward to working with them more in the future.
“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”- Matthew 5:13 (NIV)