Conference Highlights- CIA Summit & GMA Week – Nashville, TN
What a great time I had at these two events featured in Random Notes May 2007. I got to learn how to do the many tasks of my ministry better. I had a chance to get some great constructive criticism from top industry professionals at the CIA Summit during the Songwriter’s Bootcamp. No, I didn’t win the Momentum Award, but it is still an honor to be nominated. I don’t at all feel like a looser. Everyday when we say yes Lord yes we are
winners in His eyes. Thanks again to those of you that voted. On to the next task.
Meeting “The Voice”

On meeting Sandi Patty. What a wonderful surprise. I didn’t even know she was going to be there (it was not advertised). She was getting a special award for being with the William Morris Agency for 20 years. I almost didn’t make it to this particular showcase because early Wednesday morning I got very ill. James (my fab hubby) said, “the Devil is trying to keep you home today because God has something special for you.” I drug myself out of bed and went downtown to catch the William Morris Agency luncheon and showcase and there she was.
Then I went home and climbed back into bed and stayed there for the next 24 hrs (allergic reaction). I have been a fan of hers for years but for a really special reasons! The first Sandi song I heard was “In the Name of the Lord,” which is still my favorite. I was going through a very dark time and I walked into a Christian bookstore to buy my first Christian accompaniment track. “In the Name of the Lord” was playing. It was the first track I bought. Fast forward to 2001, I was rehearsing “In the Name of the Lord,” for a concert. Unknown to me the Holy Spirit touched my children and both of them accepted Christ as their Savior independently while in their beds (and I thought they were asleep).
Getting to meet and talk to Sandi was a lifelong dream. Yes, she knows my story about my kids, I e-mailed it to her years ago. She was even gracious enough to seem to remember! See God really does give us the desires of our hearts – when we least expect it. Praise Him!
2013 Update – I was blessed to work an event for Music City Mission with Sandy in Nashville So humbled by the experience!
Recognition for 20 Years with the William Morrison Agency
Photos from the CIA Summit
At GMA week I learned from the best Managers, Agents and Promoters and made some new friends. I found out John Ruben is a fellow Buckeye fan, met Sandi Patty, Paul Coleman, Nichole Nordeman, Jody McBrayer (Avalon), saw our friends Family Force 5 (huge fans) and so many others in the industry. A lot of t’s were crossed and i’s dotted. These events were a HUGE blessing for me as I continue in the
direction I believe God wants me go. I love what I do!
Photos from GMA Week 2007
Upcoming Events
Don’t miss Judith in her 2nd Concert at Summertown Church of the Nazarene located in Summertown,
TN, just south of Columbia, TN. Â Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 11:00 am.
Have you scheduled Judith for an event? Â Judith sings and speaks in addition to creating songs that
uplift our savior. Â Don’t miss out on a blessings. Â Schedule her for your next event.
Judith is a Registered Song Evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene and attends Nashville Grace
Church of the Nazarene (when not on the road) Rev Ken Dove, Senior Pastor.
“In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.” Psalm 33:21-22