Pictured Rocks National Shoreline, Lake Superior, Michigan’s Upper Peninsula
Repost of Random Notes October 2012 | In July, we were asked to return to the Lighthouse Coffee House in Clarksville, TN.
By early August we headed to Minnesota by way of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. What a beautiful part of the country, We came thru that little stretch of Wisconsin and made our way to Two Harbors, MN and ministered for a few events at Living Waters Church. Check out this parody of “Hotel California” called “Thawed Out Frozen Tundra” James and I wrote.
Back in Nashvegas I was back at the Hope Center for Women. I love these ladies. They have so much courage. In September I was back at Summertown but speaking this time instead of singing. Well I did a little of that as well. I preached a message on Forgiveness. When I was don’t the Holy Spirit took over and the altars were full. It always blesses me to see God work when I get out of the way.
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National Quartet Convention 2012
It is truly a wonderful opportunity but I am most excited about seeing some old friends…and of coarse singing. Sometimes I feel like God opens strange doors for me, because I am not really a Southern Gospel Artist, I just love the music, it get’s down to business with lyrics that still use the words “cross’ and ‘blood.” When God opens doors I love to see what He has in store. It is always a blessing! If you are coming to NQC – I am singing at 2:15 PM in the Jubilee Music Artist Showcase – room C1 on the main floor. Sunday – I am also leading Worship at my home church which I LOVE!
NQC LeFevere & Blackwood Singers Reunion
Keepers of the Faith – NQC
Keepers of the Faith – NQC
My Great Friend Barbara Roach
Pinch me am I singing with Karen Peck & New River
After NQC thanks to a contact from Clarksville I was scheduled to be at the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. We had a wonderful time in the Lord! I closed out the year with a surprise impromptu sing-a-long on “We Shall Wear A Robe and Crown,” with Karen Peck and New River in Murfreesboro, TN. I love Karen and her sister Susan. I love even more that at the end of this concert in a restaurant she gave a call to Salvation!
Repost of Random Notes July 2012 | Our year started out with a speaking engagement for the Fort Gordon, GA PWOC Ladies Group. Then in February I rubbed elbows with musicians that played with Elvis Presley.
A concert at Bell Road and some volunteer work with Soul Choir also highlighted the events in February. At Trevecca, my current employer I enjoy singing the National Anthem for sporting events. In March I met Benjamin Schultz who played with Led Zeppelin and Duane Hitchings who wrote songs for Rod Stewart. God sure has a sense of humor and they two seasoned pros had some really good advise for me. In March, I was invited to Indie on the Brink at the lovely and talented Lara Landon’s home.
Speaking at Blackman High School
In March I was amazed to find myself singing and speaking at Blackman High School in Murfreeboro, TN to a group of teenagers. I then had the difficult task along with two others to judge a talent competition. It was difficult because they all had gifts and mad skills! The pointers I shared with them really apply to all of us so I thought I would share them with you. Our lives are our “One Moment in Time,” – for we have but this one moment to be all God has created us to be. Here are the points I shared with about 300 high school students.
1. Do something every day – Proverbs 10:4 “Lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring
2. Learn and be teachable – Proverbs 1:5 “let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the
discerning get guidance”
3. Define what makes you different, what makes you – you – Romans 12:6 “…Having gifts that differ
according to the grace given to us, let us use them”
4. Invest in and continue to improve your talent – Matthew 25:15-28 – Parable of the Talents you have
homework – go read this one – click on the reference link
5. Pay it forward – give back – Luke 12:48 “…. to whom much has been given, much will be required; and
from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more will be demanded” Do you realize Abraham
Lincoln said this and then in the 1st Spiderman movie, Peter Parker’s Uncle Ben said it but Jesus said it
That’s it, nothing new but it helps me to have it in a 5 step reminder as I am on this journey. I pray it is a
blessing to you too. 🙂
Award Winning Photo by Aaron Thompson
In May of 2012, James and I wrote A Soldier’s Child for a charity event. You can read the story behind the song here. As a songwriter it can be challenging to understand if you have a good song, a great song or a song that well, is best left alone – lol.
Our songs can be our babies and we think they are all perfect and we want to do our utmost to protect them. Then hopefully, like me you get over that. When I sang “A Soldiers Child” for the banquet. I butchered the song and had to make up words on the fly during the chorus but hey, it’s mu song. No one has heard it so they don’t know what it is supposed to sound like. Well when I was done, thinking this tough Nashville crowd would laugh me out of the room, I was pleasantly surprised and humbled by a standing ovation.
I learned through some songwriting connections that Tim McGraw was looking for songs. So I submitted “A Soldiers Child” to a publishing company. The song was not selected but the feedback was so encouraging I had to share it so here it is.
“Your song was not selected for the following reason(s)
WRT: “A Soldier’s Child” James and Judith Baker, Well, it is very easy to understand why you submitted this song in our “Tim McGraw” dropbox. It is very well written and clearly demonstrates your understanding of commercially viable music. As a commercial publisher, we, here at Sweet Rosie Music, very much appreciate that. The lyrics are outstandingly emotional and the demo has an excellent vocal track as well. Your song was advanced through several levels of approval but unfortunately, our final decision board felt that the hook of the chorus may not be strong enough to support the weight of a single in today’s highly competitive country marketplace. These types of decisions are so highly subjective that they are hard to articulate. We, of course, realize this is disappointing to you, but please do not get discouraged as writers. We can offer only one opinion in a world of many, and we can assure you that we have been wrong just as often as we have been right. That is the nature of the business that we are in. If anything, we would want to ENCOURAGE you and let you know that many professionals listened to, and discussed your work this week, and without exception, they were all impressed. The “bar” for Mr. McGraw is VERY VERY high. Thank you again for a quality submission. Sincerely,
The A&R Staff Sweet Rosie Music
Good candidate but regretfully it doesn’t make the final cut”
Once again I am humbled and blessed. I got a few skills after all. Now to keep trying.
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In June, Nashville First Church of the Nazarene, our largest in Tennessee invited me to come and minister. I was also able to share music with their homeless ministry as they were fed. Nothing better than helping feed people physically and spiritually. In July we were back in Marcellus, MI for concerts at Marcellus United Methodist, Waklee United Methodist and a Patriotic themed event at the Drive-in Bible Church. This time without my mother. She left us for Glory in 2010. It has take me the past two years to start traveling and doing events with out her. She is loved, missed and I know I will see her again when it’s my turn to leave this planet. I wrapped up July with a concert at the Lighthouse Coffee House in Clarksville, TN.
Archive of Random Notes November 2009 | Breaking news to share with you. We are excited about this but melancholy at the same time. We have a new home church – Bell Road Church of the Nazarene, Nashville, TN, pastored by Rev. Brian Russell.
Let me clarify the change has nothing to do with anything negative or bad. I do not want anyone to read something into this that just is not there. God is doing a mighty work at Grace in a mighty way. I have watched Him work so powerfully and it is just going to get better so why leave now right?
Our previous Pastor, Rev Ken Dove preached a sermon on Jan 18th about being “comfortable” in Church. It led to a lot of questions for us about our purpose at Grace vs. our purpose in our community. Bell Road Church of the Nazarene is so close to our house we could almost walk, it is our community. That sermon really convicted our entire family. We realized we were “comfortable” at Grace and not in a good way. God has been burdening our hearts with our community here in SE Nashville for quite a while and we all have just been pushing it a side.
After prayer, family discussions and all the things that go along with such a life changing decision we have transferred to Bell Rd. It teen angels that people and our community. We all sense God is doing something great at Bell Rd! It is confirmation that this is where God wants us to be. I made a video to celebrate the ministries of Grace for Pastor Dove. I came out beautiful! Check it out!
We just have to be obedient and do the work God calls us to do. God is doing great work at Grace and Bell Rd. If you are looking for a good church home Grace or Bell road are wonderful and will welcome you with an open embrace. I believe there has never been an urgency like there is now to be on fire and do something for God to further His kingdom! Can you feel it?
Ministry Updates
Judith Baker and Stephanie Coburn Fuller in Concert, Bell Rd COTN, Nashville, TN
In April we made a trip up North to Columbus, Ohio for two concerts. One at Friends Worship Center and the other at Scioto United Methodist Church. May began with a Change of Command Ceremony and a by name request to perform the National Anthem.
Later in May, my great friend Stefanie Coburn Fuller joined me from South Carolina for a concert at Bell Road Church of the Nazarene, Nashville, TN. At the end of the month, James and I made a visit to Memphis for pleasure and were blessed to minister at Eastside Iglesia Church of the Nazarene. Yes, we went to Graceland! Also in May, my mom and the kids made a trek up to Michigan to spend some time with family. On the home front I got a chance to do some impromptu harmonies with Ken Apple
In Summer is moving by so quickly – it made my head spin. June, both kids were in and out of the house with camps, trips and notability – Camp Electric for my daughter right here in Nashville at Trevecca Nazarene University. This kid met Toby Mac and had him leave me a message on my cell phone! Boy do I wish I had answered that phone call. I always tease my family and tell them if Toby Mac, Kirk Franklin or Faith Hill ever ask me to sing back-up with them I am gone.
In all seriousness, I am blessed to have such God-fearing and wonderful teen-angels. Both my kids are following in mom’s footsteps and sing with me frequently. My daughter has already written over 200 songs. A third generation songwriter! Now that makes my head spin. I am not going to mention the songs I have yet to complete.
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One of our adventures in June lead us to “Camp Meeting” were I was honored to sing on the Worship Team lead by my dear friend Nathan Rogers. It was great to see so many friends from all over the TN District. Our Speaker, Dr. Leonard Sweet (if you ever get the chance to hear him GO) says – we are either in a storm, coming to a storm or coming out of a storm. From his book “The Perfect Storm” and in his presentation at Camp meeting he gave us these pointers in my paraphrased version of what to do in a storm:
Pull up anchor and launch into the deep – boats that stay docked at the shore get beat up
Steer into the storm – when at sea ships that steer into the storm survive – the ones that try to out run the storm sink
Get rid of excess cargo – in a storm excess stuff is thrown overboard to lighten the load
Mast ourselves to the Mast of the Master – the crew will tie the Captain to the Mast of the ship so he doesn’t get thrown or knocked overboard. Jesus is our Mast and we need to tie ourselves to Him.
ENJOY THE RIDE – you only get one!
July 4th in Chattanooga
Relaxing in Chattanooga
For the July 4th Holiday, we spent some much needed family time – all 5 of us and our 2 dogs in beautiful Chattanooga. I was yet again reminded of how much our God loves us. Just to look at the beauty around me. To stand on top of Lookout Mountain and look down into the valley, watching the graceful but winding flow of the Tennessee River all I can say is WOW. By the way my kids are huge and I think my son is now taller than his dad. Well if he is not, before this e-blast is read he may very well be.
Later in July we traveled to the Marcellus Michigan area for 3 events, concerts at Marcellus United Methodist Church, Waklee United Methodist Church and our favorite the Drive-In Bible Church. It was wonderful to have a good chunk of my immediate family with me for these events.
From the events in our world, I hope we all realize how short life is and in a nano-second we can be gone. If you need to make amends with someone in your family or that you care about just do it! Look at how many celebrities we have lost reminding us that no matter how many songs we sing, movies we make and footballs we throw, our life is mortal. “What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?” Mark 8:36
It is always amazing to see how God unites His people for a much greater cause. Jubilee Music Artist Group founded by Nazarene Song Evangelist and signed Southern Gospel Recording Artists Barbara Roach has already opened many doors in ministry for Judith. Judith met Barbara at a songwriting workshop in Nashville a few years ago. Several weeks later Judith found herself singing back-up during one of Barbara’s concerts in Nashville purely by the Hand of God. The two have formed a friendship and a partnership that forges ahead to spread the Gospel though music. Thanks to Barbara in September I found myself singing in a National Quartet, Jubilee Music Artist Showcase an getting a professional critique from Southern Gospel artist Mike LeFever of the LeFevere Quartet.
By the time fall arrived I found myself sharing an event with Dr. Gay Leonard for the WoW (Women of Worth) Conference. We wrapped up the year just before Thanksgiving by hosting a Songwriter’s night. Christmas ministry activities were reserved for Choir at our home Church.
Random Notes March 2009 | The year began with me leading worship for the TN District Ladies Breakaway. It was a great event with Allison Durham Speer as our speaker. Being a part of helping ladies rest, refresh and re-energize is fantastic!
In February we were back at Summertown for a wonderful morning of Praise and Worship. We always enjoy the Bravos. We also made a quick trip up to Battle Creek for my Nephew’s Baby Dedication at Battle Creek First Church of the Nazarene where I sang Mama’s Song (Judith’s Lullaby).
By the time March arrived it was time for the showcase at the Indieheaven CIA Summit where Mom and Zoey accompanied me. I shared this event with Brian Duncan! Mom was sitting next to him and they were having a great conversation.
At the Summit I met Valleta Lanier. I was very impressed by her heart and her message “Let God Be Your Manager,” I eventually commissioned Valleta’s husband, an established Christian Artist and Songwriter, Gary Lanier to score “Unshakable Faith.” Little did I know just how established Gary was until I found myself rehearsing one of Gary’s songs – “Honor and Majesty,” with our church choir. Gary and his wife Valleta are incredible, humble and have a huge heart to share what they know with like minded Christian artists. I am looking forward to working with them more in the future.
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“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men.”- Matthew 5:13 (NIV)
Random Notes December 2008 | “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.” Isaiah 9:6 (King James Version)
Through it All
We have had an incredible and jam packed year. We watched a niece graduate from High School, a cousin start a new life with her husband, our oldest start to drive and our youngest pass me up in height. Judith’s sister is expecting her second child and her mom has enjoyed Nashville in her first year. We prayed a niece through cancer, witnessed the miracle survival of an uncle that fell off a ladder, prayed friends through financial troubles and others through marital woes.
Ministry Updates
We made our way through Tennessee, South Carolina, Ohio and Michigan for ministry and family events. Judith was an extra in the new “Billy Graham,” Movie, our church choir at Nashville Grace, sang at the TN District Camp Meeting and with Larnelle Harris and Allison Durham Speer. Judith was featured in 2 Gaither style DVD’s produced by the talented Eddie Crook. We closed December out with a musical at our church “The Christmas Post.” Everyone but James had a part in the production. No matter what we were faced with, good and bad – Praise God for another year! Happy Birthday Jesus!
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Take the time to make the journey through 2008 with us in this video with Judith singing “Mary’s Little Boy Child.” “…….And men will live forever more because of Christmas Day!” Click here to watch video
Merry CHRISTmas and Happy New Year, Judith Baker Ministries
An artist since age 4, and a former Jehovah’s Witness, Judith has been singing most of her life. Her incredible testimony of how she was “set fee” from the Jehovah’s Witnesses will confirm that God still sends angels to perform miracles. Having sung with the Army Soldier Show, the Grammy nominated – Melodies of Praise, the USO and several groups and choirs; since moving to Nashville she adds working with Worship Leader Nathan Rogers (Nashville Grace Church of the Nazarene – our home church), Craig Adams, Dave Clark and Marvin Jones to her list of accomplishments.
She is a two time Indieheaven Momentum Award nominee and most recently, she was featured in a Gaither style DVD produced by Mr. Eddie Crook and a small spot in the “Billy Graham, the Early Years” movie, produced by Robby Benson. But don’t think these achievements have given her a big head.
This hometown gal from Battle Creek is still about her “Father’s” business and you will know right away that the Anointing of God sings through and speaks through her. She is also proudly retired from the US Army after 21 years of military service. To all of you residing in SW Michigan, we wanted to make sure you got a personal invite. Come on-down or up and toot your horn at the Drive-In Bible Church. Tell a friend, send a family member, but pray always!
Upcoming Events
Summertown Church of the Nazarene – We are in Summertown, TN this Sunday, July 6th. Pastor Bravo and his family are on vacation and he asked us to come fill in. Judith will be leading the music along with her daughter Zoey and speaking a message titled “The Love of God…His Glory. Come worship with us!
Later this month Judith will be back in Michigan for a Sophomore appearance at the Drive-In Bible Church. So drive on over to Marcellus, MI and give her a honk!
We have some amazing guests coming to my home church that I will be singing with – along with our fabulous choir like, Larnelle Harris, the Talley Trio. You Nashville Natives will want come and join us.
Homecoming Jubilee DVD- what an honor to be a part of this Gather style production. Produced by Mr. Eddie Crook and Song Evangelist/Christian Recording Artist Barbara Roach.
New Song – Daughters of the King – In May we did an event in Ohio titled “Daughters of the King.” Pictures and the story behind the song are now posted on the website. Daughters of the King is getting a little attention in that someone has asked for a copy of the track here in Nashville.
Judith joins ASCAP – Judith is now officially a member of ASCAP and is starting to add her catalog of original songs to the ASCAP database.
Prayer Requested – Please remember:
My mom as she is traveling with my nephew.
A work and witness team from my home church is in Madagascar. Please keep them in your prayers. They will be returning to the US next week.
Heather and the Women of Faith Conference that she goes – July 18 & 19.
We Believe at Opryland, Nashville, TN. Judith is in there somewhere to the left with the Sopranos.
What a blessing is to share this We Believe recap from the Christmas Concert in the Roy Acuff Theater at Opryland.
Arranged and orchestrated by Bradley Knight for Prestonwood Choir is a wonderful compilation for the Christmas season. A collection of both old and new songs this Cantata has quickly become one of my holiday favorites.
We Believe Recap
The Tennessee District Church of the Nazarene Worship Ministries presented “We Believe” a Christmas Concert at Opryland, Nashville TN on December 7, 2007. This event featured voices and musicians from the following Tennessee Nazarene Churches:
Columbia Grace
Memphis Calvary
Nashville Bethel
Nashville Grace
Old Hickory
Trevecca Community
Whispering Hills
Pictures from the “We Believe” Choir Retreat, Fall 2007
Craig Adams Leading Practice
We Believe Choir Retreat
We Believe Choir Retreat
We Believe Choir Retreat
We Believe Choir Retreat with Dr. Marvin Jones
Pastor Dwight Gunter of Trevecca Community COTN
We Believe Choir Retreat
We Believe Choir Retreat
This historic event included over 200 voices and a full orchestra. Directed by Rev. Marvin Jones, Nathan Rodgers and Dove and Grammy Award Winner Craig Adams. I am honored to be a part of such an amazing night of Celebration. It was a little peak into what it will be like to sing in Heaven!
From Veterans day to a 13th birthday to Thanksgiving day – busy is good! I had some last minute opportunities. For this Random Notes November 2007 – First a belated thank you to all my fellow Veterans for your service. Don’t forget they fought and still fight for our freedom, for our right to have an opinion even if it is against the war in Iraq. Focus on the people, their sacrifice, their families, their dedication and continue to pray for them. Anyone versed in scripture realizes this world is only going to continue to get worse until Jesus returns. Don’t get mad at me for being honest enough to say it… because it is in the Bible. Read it for yourself!
Judith singing “Let Freedom Ring”
Singing for my Niece
Judith and James
Yvonne (James Mom) & Judith
Karen (James Sister) and Randi (our Niece)
Yvonne and Randi (headed to the Navy)
Xavier and Xena our Baby Girls
Judith and Daughter Zoey chow down
Let Freedom Ring!
Last weekend (Nov 11) I had the unexpected privilege of singing at a Church farewell for our Navy niece who is headed to Japan. Since it was Veteran’s day weekend, James suggested I do something patriotic which I did. One thing I love about Columbus, OH, (besides my Buckeye’s) is how patriotic they are. They really appreciate those of us who have served or are serving our country. Our brief time at
Friend’s Worship Center in Columbus was wonderful. We got to spend some much need time with our cherished family and made some new friends.
When we returned to Nashvegas, I did a taping for a Time Life Magazine infomercial, giving a testimony about their new product the “Ultimate Gospel Collection.” It is a blessing! You my have seen that infomercial with Bobby Jones from Bobby Jones Gospel hour.
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
Thank you Jesus for…Forgiveness of my sins…A roof over my head…The privilege of prayer…The opportunity to vote my conscience…The joy of giving to you work…The Lord’s Table…
A soul mate…Beautiful children…PEACE in our land…My church family…The chance to travel…Assurance about life after death…Your patience with my spiritual progress…
Beautiful stars at night…The place you have prepared for me in heaven…Even for problems that help me grow spiritually.
What are you thankful for this year?
“Therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe…” Hebrews 12:28
Time with my Dad after the Whitcomb concert, He had never heard me sing before and cried. He said it was the “most beautiful music he ever heard.” He never took my singing seriously growing up so finally having his blessing meant a lot!
Wow what a summer in this edition of Random Notes August 2007. From TN to MA to MI and then FL. God has truly been at work. I praise Him for traveling mercies indeed!
I even got honked at while ministering at the Drive-In-Bible church in MI. My kids have been all over God’s green earth as well. My teen went to Nazarene Youth Conference in St Louis and my tween went to Pre-Teen Camp, TN and Orlando, FL.
As I think back on these events I am grateful for the grandmother in MA that made it a point to tell me that her young granddaughters are now curious about heaven and asking questions that are only going to lead to salvation! I praise God for the woman in MA that is listening to my CD for encouragement to help her with her depression. I am humbled that a woman that won my CD in a door prize in Michigan. She is a two time cancer survivor and was thrilled to have my CD – it’s just me folks.
I have got to see kids graduate from HS and college, spend time with my family in MI and MA and just reflect on all God has blessed me with.
I so want to invest my life in a way that when I am gone the work will continue! How about you?
Drive In Bible Church, Marcellas, MI
Drive In Bible Church, Marcellas, MI
Drive In Bible Church, Marcellas, MI
Lakeville COTN, Lakeville, MA
Lakeville COTN, Lakeville, MA
Lakeville COTN, Lakeville, MA
Whitcomb House, Milford, MS
Whitcomb House, Milford, MS
Life is a Gift
Today before you think of saying an unkind word – Think of someone who can’t speak.
Before you complain about the taste of your food – Think of someone who has nothing to eat.
Before you complain about your husband or wife – Think of someone who’s crying out to God for a companion.
Today before you complain about life – Think of someone who went too early to heaven.
Before you complain about your children — Think of someone who desires children but they’re barren.
Before you argue about your dirty house, someone didn’t clean or sweep – Think of the people who are living in the streets.
Before whining about the distance you drive – Think of someone who walks the same distance.
And when you are tired and complain about your job – Think of the unemployed, the disabled and those who wished they had your job.
But before you think of pointing the finger or condemning another – Remember that not one of us are without sin and we all answer to one Maker.
And when depressing thoughts seem to get you down – Put a smile on your face and thank God you’re alive and still around.
Life is a gift… Live it… Enjoy it… Celebrate it… And fulfill it!
NEWSFLASHES – Two Events Coming Up
In November, I have been invited to be part of the Franklin Homecoming Jubilee. This is a Gaither style taping for DVD and will be available for all of you. Produced by Eddie Cook and Barbara Roach, this will feature some of Gospel Music’s finest.
In December, our TN District Nazarene Churches are combining our talents to minister in song at the Roy Acuff theater here in Nashville. This event is directed by Craig Adams, Marvin Jones and Nathan Rogers, all ministers of music in their respective churches. There will be about 300 voices in this combined effort and you will not want to miss this. Tell your friends and come and let God touch hearts and change lives.
I did very well at the Millie Lewis American Modeling Talent Convention/Competition (AMTC) in Orlando. I made some fantastic contacts and got some incredible experience and expertise from all the training. There were over 80 industry agents, scouts, and labels represented. No matter what you do by trade – do it with excellence and strive to always be better! I am looking forward to what God has in store next!
Prayers Requested
Please remember my home church as we embark in 24 hours of prayer from August 23-24th.
Please remember my dear friend Sharon in Alaska as she has make some changes in her employment and request you specifically pray for financial wisdom
Please remember my mother Mary as she is making plans to relocate to TN right here with me. She is no longer able to care for her mentally handicapped sister and we are searching for a home for my aunt here in TN. This needs to take place before she can truly move here.
Remember me as I am making some decisions myself – it is an unspoken request.
Thank you for your faithfulness to God in prayer for one another!
Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.” Hebrews 13:2
Conference Highlights- CIA Summit & GMA Week – Nashville, TN
What a great time I had at these two events featured in Random Notes May 2007. I got to learn how to do the many tasks of my ministry better. I had a chance to get some great constructive criticism from top industry professionals at the CIA Summit during the Songwriter’s Bootcamp. No, I didn’t win the Momentum Award, but it is still an honor to be nominated. I don’t at all feel like a looser. Everyday when we say yes Lord yes we are
winners in His eyes. Thanks again to those of you that voted. On to the next task.
Meeting “The Voice”
Meeting Sandi in 2007
On meeting Sandi Patty. What a wonderful surprise. I didn’t even know she was going to be there (it was not advertised). She was getting a special award for being with the William Morris Agency for 20 years. I almost didn’t make it to this particular showcase because early Wednesday morning I got very ill. James (my fab hubby) said, “the Devil is trying to keep you home today because God has something special for you.” I drug myself out of bed and went downtown to catch the William Morris Agency luncheon and showcase and there she was.
Then I went home and climbed back into bed and stayed there for the next 24 hrs (allergic reaction). I have been a fan of hers for years but for a really special reasons! The first Sandi song I heard was “In the Name of the Lord,” which is still my favorite. I was going through a very dark time and I walked into a Christian bookstore to buy my first Christian accompaniment track. “In the Name of the Lord” was playing. It was the first track I bought. Fast forward to 2001, I was rehearsing “In the Name of the Lord,” for a concert. Unknown to me the Holy Spirit touched my children and both of them accepted Christ as their Savior independently while in their beds (and I thought they were asleep).
Getting to meet and talk to Sandi was a lifelong dream. Yes, she knows my story about my kids, I e-mailed it to her years ago. She was even gracious enough to seem to remember! See God really does give us the desires of our hearts – when we least expect it. Praise Him!
2013 Update – I was blessed to work an event for Music City Mission with Sandy in Nashville So humbled by the experience!
Recognition for 20 Years with the William Morrison Agency
Sandi Patty aka “The Voice”
Sandi was their first Christian Artist
20 year award
Thank you Sandi Patty
Photos from the CIA Summit
Margaret Becker
CIA Summit Panel
CIA Summit Panel
Margaret Becker
Valleta Lanier
2nd Time Chatting with Margaret Becker she is wonderful a great speaker!
At GMA week I learned from the best Managers, Agents and Promoters and made some new friends. I found out John Ruben is a fellow Buckeye fan, met Sandi Patty, Paul Coleman, Nichole Nordeman, Jody McBrayer (Avalon), saw our friends Family Force 5 (huge fans) and so many others in the industry. A lot of t’s were crossed and i’s dotted. These events were a HUGE blessing for me as I continue in the
direction I believe God wants me go. I love what I do!
Photos from GMA Week 2007
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Upcoming Events
Don’t miss Judith in her 2nd Concert at Summertown Church of the Nazarene located in Summertown,
TN, just south of Columbia, TN. Sunday, May 27, 2007 at 11:00 am.
Have you scheduled Judith for an event? Judith sings and speaks in addition to creating songs that
uplift our savior. Don’t miss out on a blessings. Schedule her for your next event.
Judith is a Registered Song Evangelist in the Church of the Nazarene and attends Nashville Grace
Church of the Nazarene (when not on the road) Rev Ken Dove, Senior Pastor.
“In him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in his holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in you.” Psalm 33:21-22