Do you find yourself stiffing up when you go to a networking event or a meeting? Do you tend to do this a lot? Today’s blog from LeBaker Music is here to help you by providing some pointers to hopefully make your next social encounter less tense through the power of humor!
Trick Your Mind
If you find yourself sweating at an interview or business meeting, one excellent way to calm down is simply relax your shoulders. This can trick your mind into being less tense. Here’s the thing to note, when we tense up, it signals our minds to go into fight or flight mode. When we calm down and allow ourselves some leeway, we can take a deep breath and relax. Now this doesn’t mean slouching and putting your feet up on the table at a business meeting or in that important interview.
However, even if you relax your shoulders and don’t feel calmer at first, try finding a mirror. Now, watch yourself as you say some words of encouragement to yourself. For example, say things like, “I can do this.” “No one is better than anyone else in there.” “I have confidence in me.” Never compare yourself to someone else and don’t beat yourself up. Focus on why your there, why your a good fit, and why you have no reason to be afraid or intimidated. That is how you can trick your mind into calmer state. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t work the first time, keep trying. Old habits die hard.
Networking Can Be Fun
Being an introvert social situations can be a bit scary for me. One way I conquer this is by inserting some humor into my social interactions. For example instead of putting Zoey on my name tag I could put something crazy like, “Queen Elizabeth.” It breaks the ice, it starts a conversation, and people are more drawn towards someone who can comfortably laugh at themselves. Think about it, everyone at a networking event is a little scared, a little nervous, and you won’t make the best impression if you come across as too serious. Now I’m not saying you need to go as far as I did in the example, but there are plenty of different ways you can have a playful lighthearted laugh with a stranger and have fun! The power of humor when networking goes a long way.
Find a Good Book to Make You Laugh

The funny thing about humor with Judith is when she tries to be funny she is not funny. But, when she is not trying to be funny, she can do things that are so hysterical. I have watched her not take herself so seriously and those around her enjoy her company all the more.
According to Psychology Today, “Laughter reduces pain, increases job performance, connects people emotionally, and improves the flow of oxygen to the heart and brain.” So find something to help you “yuk-it-up!”
Dr. Michael Miller from the University of Maryland shared that in a study making people laugh did as much “good for their arteries as aerobic activity.” Now this isn’t an opportunity to quit that necessary exercise regimen but you can see how important laughter is.
So find a good resource, a favorite comedy, a favorite memory or a good book that is just downright funny. “Healing Through Humor: Fabulous Jokes From the Happy Hunter,” is a great option to add to your library.
Allow Yourself To Try Again
All the stuff listed above isn’t perfected overnight. Some of it may come more naturally than others, but don’t be discouraged!! Life is a learning process. There is a famous quote that says, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” – Thomas A. Edison. Keep at it and don’t stop learning, growing, and improving!
Blog Author Zoey Baker
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