Random Notes August 2006

Welcome Friends! Howdy Yaw! I am loving, living in Nashville! Here is my Random Notes August 2006.

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you that took the time to rate “Breaking Free” You can rate it everyday. It will be on the Indieheaven Radio for 90 days. To those that took the time to post a comment on my Indieheaven Page, a big thanks! I appreciate your love and kind words. I covet your prayers!


The Bakers were thrilled to have company drop by while traveling. Fellow Nazarenes, the Anderson’s stopped by and we spent some wonderful time in Christian fellowship.

Check out their ministry at: jamm.andersonmusicgroup.com. Joe is a fellow singer/songwriter and has some beautiful music out there. Check him out and book Joe and Rochelle for an event! You will be blessed! These folks are the real deal! I am officially now a Registered Song Evangelist on the TN District, Church of the Nazarene. All Glory to God! I will always have a special place in my heart for my SC District!

Don’t be surprised if you hear the music from “In Spirit and Truth” on one of the Nazarene Word Mission Broadcast radio stations. Each region has a promo copy and permission to use the music as they see fit to further God’s kingdom.

I turned down my first record deal. This is really no big deal, – a small company in Oregon that has a different agenda than I do. It doesn’t make them bad just not for me.

I have a song being pitched right now in the country music market called “Mother’s Day.” It is an incredible opportunity and I am really excited. Met the contact who is pitching it at the CIA Summit, hosted by Indieheaven.

Side note for you, I met a lady while oooogling over her beautiful baby that asked me how do you raise a child to be a good person. She is from China and I told her that I am a Christian, and I use the principles and teaching from the Bible. She was unfamiliar with what I was saying. In China, there is no religion. We talked about that a spell and I asked her if she had a Bible. She said she did but it is very hard to read in English for her. Well, I e-mailed my dear friend that happens to work for the Gideon’s and she got me a Chinese Bible. I will be giving it to this lady. Please pray for her to find Christ through reading this Bible and bring her family to Christ. Be in prayer for this dear one. Let’s claim this soul for the Kingdom!

A Message from My Heart

I got a call on Aug 5th from Pastor Bravo of Summertown Church of the Nazarene asking me to come and minister on the 6th of August. Apparently the group they had scheduled had a problem and couldn’t make it. Every person in ministries nightmare! I joyfully accepted and took my girlfriend with me. We had such a blessed time in the Lord! God was ever present! I am always amazed at how He works and moves in the lives of His people. I always tell those I serve if they came to be entertained there is the door but if they came to worship then let’s get it on!

One thing I experienced is liberty. I had no time limit and was told to share what God laid on my heart. What a treat! What a huge responsibility to honor God and worship together with this congregation of my brothers and sisters. I realized more than ever, God wants us to be available yes, but once we are available are we usable?

God called so many servants before us, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel…. They all share the same response “Here I am.” Jesus went on to say in Hebrews 10:9 – “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” So what’s planned in your life? What’s on your calendar, planner, day timer, Outlook Scheduler ….. What are we saying to God? Are we so stuck in our routine that saying “Here I am” is not on the schedule or is there so much clutter on the schedule that we are not usable? Makes you think.

Next Ministry Events

    • Aug 17th – For those of you in the greater Nashville Area, on Aug 17th and 6:00 AM, yes its AM, I am a featured guest on the program “Music City Explosion – Inspirational”. This program is on channel 17 the old PAX channel. If this is too early for you set those recorders!
    • Aug 27th – West Columbia Central Church of the Nazarene, Columbia, SC, In Concert- AM service
    • Sep 9 – Dickson County Fair, Dickson, TN
    • Sep 17 – Polly Crocket Festival, Winchester, TN

Are you available and usable for God?

Random Notes July 2006

Welcome Friends! Some cool updates for you in Random Notes July 2006. Okay, I am so excited. I have my first song on the Indieheaven Radio Charts “Breaking Free” from my CD “In Spirit and Truth.” Go check it out and rate it so I can move up! Do you realize it is not God’s intention for us to be in bondage – so keep “Breaking Free.” This song was inspired by Beth Moore’s Bible Study Breaking Free.

A Message from My Heart

Blues Brother Downtown Nashvegas

Praying! What are you doing in your prayer life? Are you spilling out your dos and don’ts to God or are you inviting Him to take up residence in your life. Imagine communicating with God as you would your best friend. Imagine God is sitting on your sofa holding your hand as you pour out your heart. How about the next time some driver cuts you off instead of grumble, pray for them. They may have just lost their job, or are rushing to the hospital because their loved one has been in an accident. How many times do we get caught up in the what about me syndrome? In the Bible Paul tells us to pray without ceasing or pray continually (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Pray about anything and everything because after all, God is everywhere and in everything.

“I thank God, whom I serve, as my forefathers did, with a clear conscience, as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers. ” – 2 Timothy 1:3 (New International Version)

Highlights of Previous Events

My time with the National Council of Women in Ministry, Nashville Chapter was God ordained. The ladies and I had a wonderful time in the Lord. I got to know them better and learn about their individual ministries. That helps me know how to best pray for them. My favorite part was praying with them. If you are a woman in ministry check this group out! They are small but Spirit filled and Spirit lead! I
believe God has wonderful plans for this group.

Next Ministry Events

    • July 15th, I will be taping for a program called Music City Explosion which airs on channel 17, the old PAX channel. I let you know when the air date is.
    • July 30th I will be sharing a song at my home church Nashville Grace Church of the Nazarene in the evening service my son may even sing with me.

Works in Progress

    • Bookings for the rest of this year and 2007. Pray for this mission or partner with me to speak or sing at your church or event.
    • I am partnering with Indieheaven’s new booking division.
    • Looking for someone that can score some of the songs from In Spirit and Truth for choral sheet music (affordably)
    • I had a unique opportunity to sing back-up on a demo called “What About Jack” which is being considered for the next Santa Claus movie.
    • There is also a country artist named Becca that may be interested Several demos out there of my originals pray they get picked up. It pays the bills. I have also entered a few contests. Every little thing helps build this ministry.
    • I have submitted to yet two more radio stations, as of now, I am on 5 radio stations. Not bad for an independent. I will be adding a Media Page to the website so you can see when and where I am on the air or TV.

God Bless you all!!


Random Notes June 2006

In this Random Notes June 2006 first Happy Father’s Day to all the Dads!

If you don’t know I will tell you that my hubby and I are huge history buffs so here is a history lesson on Father’s Day for you.

“The first Father’s Day was observed on June 19, 1910 in Spokane Washington. At about the same time in various towns and cities across American other people were beginning to celebrate a “father’s day.”

In 1924 President Calvin Coolidge supported the idea of a national Father’s Day. Finally in 1966 President Lyndon Johnson signed a presidential proclamation declaring the 3rd Sunday of June as Father’s Day. Father’s Day has become a day to not only honor your father, but all men who act as a father figure. Stepfathers, uncles, grandfathers, and adult male friends are all honored on Father’s Day. “ taken from www.holidays.net/father/story.htm


Some of you are new to Judith Baker. I am just a simple lady trying her best to make a joyful noise. Welcome to Random Notes June 2006. I want to point out some of the features on the website.

Next Ministry Events

We have been busy in the Baker home. Both kids are off to camp at some point in the summer and our oldest is going on a mission trip to help with the re-building efforts for Katrina. So in my spare time – I have been focusing on the ministry in bits and pieces and enjoying having time with my children.

    • June 24th, I am speaking/singing at the National Coalition of Women in Ministry, Smyrna, TN
    • June 25th ministering in at my Nashville Grace Church of the Nazarene

A Message for You from My Heart

Judith singing Mary Wood’s original song “Your’re Our Beautiful; Baby” – Mother’s Day 2006 – Nashville Grace Church of the Nazarene

Mother’s day was beautiful. I started with Mary Wood’s song “Your Our Beautiful Baby” which was very appropriate for the morning. I am grateful I made it through her original the song without tears! I am honored she asked me to sing it for her son’s baby dedication.

After that I joined out choir and once we were done many of us headed to the Ladies room. I meet a lady in the bathroom that was bawling her eyes out. I just could not leave her because she truly seemed to be hurting. Later I found out her daughter had been killed in Iraq and this was her first Mother’s day without her. I was glad I was there to just be an ear and shoulder for this dear lady. Her tragedy broke my heart but bravely I told her the day will come when she is ready to stop asking why and be able to ask what next.

In my own humanness, many days I ask why? God, why I haven’t got this or that, why isn’t my ministry like this person or that person? Why is this taking so long? If I just get over myself and first seek God so I have my armor on and the blade of my sword sharpened; then, instead of asking why I can confidently ask what next! So I am sitting in our church this past Sunday and what did Pastor Dove preach on – the exact same thing!

Your prayers are always coveted and appreciated. I leave you with a wonderful prayer:

“O God, our Father . . . we know that today will bring us the opportunity to come closer to each other and nearer to thee; grant that we may so take that opportunity that when the evening comes we may be bound more firmly to one another, and in love to thee: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen” – William Barclay


Random Notes May 2006

Happy Mother’s Day Moms from our Random Notes May 2006.

Hello everyone and greetings in the name of the LORD!

Next event – May 14th – I am thrilled and honored to sing “Your Our Beautiful Baby” words and music by Mary Woods, this Sunday for the dedication of their son David, at my home church here in Nashville. Their family will be coming in for the event. No pressure there – LOL! Please keep me in your prayers!

Friday, Hope Fest Jamz 2006, Murfreesboro, TN, was fantastic. What an amazing group of talented and loving people – 4GVN, Fly Faith Ladies, Narrow Gate, Ricky B and of course Chap. Brown and family. I am blessed to rub elbows with them and share our passion! There was a sweet spirit in the place. The fellowship was incredible! All the money raised from ticket sales is to benefit the Hope Center

Sunday, at Mt Moriah Baptist Church, Memphis, TN, boy did we have a time in the Lord! I shared my testimony of how God delivered me from being a Jehovah’s Witness and then spoke on “Finding Our Identity In Christ Through Paul’s Example.”  Many people shared how they were encouraged by the message God laid on my heart to share with them. I think at some point everyone struggles with their identity, I know I do – but put Christ in your life and He will become your identity!

Walking in Memphis

“Mt Moriah was founded in 1879. The oldest church in the area, It was relocated to this site in 1883, predating the Orange Mound community by seven years. A vernacular-sandstone building, the present edifice was completed in 1926, during the pastorate of the Rev. A. D. Bell (1926-1945).

The Rev. Roy W. Norsworthy, a Memphis civil rights leader, served as pastor from 1946-1986. In 1996, the 300-member church, under the Rev. Harvey B. Jackson, hosted the Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.” (taken from the historical marker in front of the church – the Tennessee Historical Commission)

What an honor for me to be able to walk where those who fought for the day that “a person will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character,” walked. My family and I love history. This was a very deep and spiritual experience for me. Thank God that He knows our hearts and it matters not to God what our bodies are housed in.

I am blessed to have made some new friends over the weekend and I find it amazing how God can unite a bunch of people who have never met! I imagine this is how it will be in heaven! Check out the photos from the weekend.

“Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light
and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all”. – 2 Corinthians 4:16-17, NIV


Random Notes May 2006 – NDP

National Day of Prayer 2006 – NDP

Today is the National Day of Prayer! For our Random Notes May 2006 – NDP I want to a deeper look at this day. I used to be an event coordinator when I worked as an Environmental Health & Safety Manager is North Charleston, SC. Here is the prayer for this year. It was written by Dr. Henry Blackaby

“Oh Heavenly Father, You have made Yourself known to us as a nation by Your mighty works throughout our history. From the beginning, You have arm has saved us. We have been amazingly and graciously blessed. Today, we confess our sin of not responding to Your right to rule in our lives and our nation. Too often we have despised and rejected Your will while imposing our own, and we are now facing the consequences of our disobedience.

Draw us back to Yourself that we may return to Your ways once again. Without You we can do nothing. You have promised that if we honor You, You will once again honor this great nation. That is our fervent prayer. For Your honor and glory we pray, Amen.” – Dr. Henry Blackaby

For more visit the National Day of Prayer Website

Let me know how I can help a need in your church program

Let Me Be A Pillar | Story Behind Song

Judith Baker | LeBaker Music

Let Me Be A Pillar” is an Inspirational themed song. Written from my heart and a passion to always remember everything I do has a consequence. My prayer is that as a consequence, my actions ALWAYS point others to Jesus. Enjoy Let Me Be A Pillar | Story Behind Song

Story Behind Song

I owe so much to the wonderful people God has placed in my life that have been “pillars” for me, from my mother, my grandparents, aunts, uncles, Nazarene and Christian family across the world. The college and Army buddies and those who are my mentors. Even friends from my High School days that thanks to Social Media, we have reconnected. There is my family, my #1 fans, my husband, my precious children, adoring sister and brother. These people push me and continue to help mold me into who I am right now.

Now it’s my turn. I have to be that pillar for my own children and friends. I want to be that person that is there when no one else is, but there sharing God’s love and shinning His light. The truth is I can’t do that, I have no power on my own. It is Christ who lives in me that shines through my ugly humanness to share a piece of Him to a hurting world.

I always was a person that believed I could make a difference. “Let Me Be a Pillar” is my prayer. I am nothing on my own but “I can do all things through Christ” and I can be a “pillar” for the next person to bring them closer to Him and His kingdom.

Update 2007

I was once told by an industry professional that this was the worst song they ever heard. I mean this person really raked me over the coals. For a brief moment it made me want to stop writing and singing. But this is what God called me to do. I sing it anyway because God gave it to me. When I sing this song live people are impacted as the Holy Spirit sings through me. So in short, I could care less that it may not exactly be “industry radio playable” in one person’s opinion. The message is solid and I have sold a lot of copies of this song. I care more that God has called me to put this song out there to the masses for His Glory. I didn’t write this song to be popular. I wrote it because God told me to. I love “Let Me Be A Pillar.” I will not hide my light under a bushel. I will keep writing, growing, perfecting my craft, my gift and in that process my prayer is always that I may be a Pillar for Jesus! 


(Verse 1)
Lord let me be a pillar,
Lift me up and let me stand.
With your gracious precious love,
help me extend your Holy hand.
I am so unworthy, but your work I want to do.
So let me be a pillar and I’ll testify to you.

And as I stand, I’ll hold my head high
Reaching to You, show me what to do.
Let me give strength to those who are weak.
Let me share your love to those who will seek.
Lord, let me be a pillar, let me be a pillar,
Lord, let me be a pillar, and for You I will stand.

(Verse 2)
Make me solid like the rock,
make me a fountain in your house.
Let your light shine to be seen in me,
Lift me up Lord bring me to my knees.
Help me be strong to stand through hard times.
So, let me be a pillar,
For those to seek and finally find.

And as I stand, I’ll hold my head high
Reaching to You, show me what to do.
Let me give strength to those who are weak.
Let me share your love to those who will seek.
Lord, let me be a pillar, let me be a pillar,
Lord, let me be a pillar, and for You I will stand.

It might bring someone to salvation,
And, then it just might reveal your redemption.
Oh yes it will!
It might be an answer to a prayer.
For someone who’s called on your name.

(End Tag)
Lord, let me be a pillar, let me be a pillar,
Lord, let me be a pillar, and for You I will stand.
I will stand!


Let Me Be A Pillar © 1996 Judith Baker (ASCAP) | Publisher LeBaker Music (ASCAP) | Music, Lyrics and Background Vocals by Judith Baker | Sound Recording and Production as work for hire by Doug Gazlay, D-Grooves Studio, Atlanta, GA 2005 | All Rights Reserved

Would you like your own custom original song?
Contact Judith to schedule a free consultation

Find Judith’s Music at these Retailers
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Unshakable Faith | Story Behind Song

Judith Baker | LeBaker Music

Unshakeable Faith” is a Gospel song proclaiming the benefits of Faith. Faith can move a mountain out of sight and bring darkness to light. A faith that’s unshakable is surely unsinkable. Bearing wittiness first hand of what Faith in God can do. Unshakable Faith | Story Behind Song is inspired the writing of Unshakable Faith along with Hebrews Chapter 11, Psalms 14:1, and Psalms 53:1.


Story Behind Song

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” (Hebrews 11:1, King James Version).

I have had countless conversations about why I believe in Christ. While we have free will to choose to live our lives as we see fit, I have found the evidence supports Jesus came, died and He was resurrected. I accept Christ as my personal savior. I believe my eternity is secure and I will spend it with Jesus. Christianity is the only religion where you don’t have to “earn” something. Christ gave Himself to us as a gift. All we have to do is accept it. I don’t want to argue with anyone, this is what I believe. It was due to one of these conversations I wrote “Unshakable Faith” as my testimony.

Non-Biblical Credibility

Jesus by Akiane Kramarik

Did you stop think that when Christ died, time stopped and the way we measure time started over with 1 A.D. According to Biblical Archaeology, Non-biblical sources also testify to Jesus such as writings from: Roman Senator Cornelius Tacitus, Jewish Historian Josephus, Greek Satirist Lucian of Samosata, Celsus the Platonist philosopher, Roman Governor Pleny the Younger, Roman writer Suetonius to mention just a few. There are more than 24,000 partial and complete manuscript copies of the New Testament. No other work from antiquity comes anywhere near that number. The average secular work from antiquity survives on only a handful of manuscripts. At about 250 ancient manuscripts Plato doesn’t even come close in comparison to biblical manuscripts yet, no one questions the ancient Philosopher’s writings. If you think I am making this up I challenge you to do your own research.

A Case for Christ

One person did their own research and the results were astounding! Maybe you have heard of Lee Strobel, an atheist turned Christian. The former award-winning legal editor of The Chicago Tribune set out to put an end to the debate when his wife Leslie became a Christian. Lee researched for himself putting his degree in Journalism to the work of a lifetime.

Bent on proving his point and putting the matter to rest once an for all, he traveled to historical sites, scoured ancient documents and completed his own investigation. His findings were so stunning and compelling that as a result, Lee converted to Christianity. Because the eyewitness accounts (biblical and non-biblical), the archaeology, and the ancient prophesies about Jesus now fulfilled are too solid for an educated, fact-finder to ignore. Lee could no longer believe God is not real.

Unshakable Faith is Good Enough for Me

Yes, you can believe in what you want but I know what I have seen God do for me. I know what He has brought me through, God and God alone. It’s like being in love you know how you feel but you can’t really see it. You feel the wind blow but do you see it? How do you know tomorrow the sun will still rise? Through faith God will see us through anything. We take so much for granted and yet He does so much for us that we don’t even see. I have seen His miracles, I can testify to His goodness and I will stand in my own faith and share his message to anyone willing to listen.


(Intro Spoken)
Faith the substance of things hoped for,
The evidence of things not seen,
But without faith it is impossible to please God.

(Verse 1)
When I think of all the people who laughed in my face,
They claim there is no God, so how can their be faith?
I tried to argue and tell them how faith has set me free.
But God gave us free will, I can only pray they see.

Unshakable faith – can move a mountain out of sight.
Unshakable faith will bring the darkness into light.
So believe in what you want.
I will believe in what I’ve seen.
For faith that’s unshakable is surely unsinkable!
Unshakable faith is good enough for me!

(Verse 2)
So when I look back on the things,
that I have been through,
If it weren’t for my faith,
I wouldn’t be singing this song for you.
The times it started out wrong,
through faith it turned out alright.
Believe me when I say,
Faith will keep you in His sight.

Unshakable faith – can move a mountain out of sight.
Unshakable faith will bring the darkness into light.
So believe in what you want.
I will believe in what I’ve seen.
For faith that’s unshakable is surely unsinkable!
Unshakable faith is good enough for me!

Faith has moved the mountains, turned the water into wine.
Faith made the lame to walk healed the sick and the blind.
Faith has raised the dead and knocked down the walls.
Faith calmed the stormy seas and opened ears to God’s calls.
Faith will lead us to the Promised Land.
And close the mouths in the lion’s dens.
Faith has conquered kingdoms and quenched the fiery flames
Unshakable faith today will still do the same.
Unshakable faith, Unshakable faith, Unshakable faith!

(Solo Bridge)
So tell me, tell me,
how do you know tomorrow the sun will rise?
And how do you know your new baby will open her eyes?

Unshakable faith – can move a mountain out of sight.
Unshakable faith will bring the darkness into light.
So believe in what you want.
I will believe in what I’ve seen.
For faith that’s unshakable is surely unsinkable!
Unshakable faith is good enough for me!

(End Tag)
Unshakable faith is good enough for me! (repeat)
Yea, yea, yea!

Unshakable Faith © 1996 Judith Baker (ASCAP) | Publisher LeBaker Music (ASCAP) | Music and Lyrics by Judith Baker,  Background Vocals by Judith Baker and Doug Gazlay | Sound Recording and Production as work for hire by Doug Gazlay, D-Grooves Studio, Atlanta, GA 2005 | All Rights Reserved

Would you like your own custom original song?
Contact Judith to schedule a free consultation

Find Judith’s Music at these Retailers
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I Touched the Hand of Jesus | Story Behind Song

Judith Baker | LeBaker Music

A Gospel ballad of pure praise and testimony straight from from my heart. I wondered if the woman who touched the hem of the garment Jesus wore could be healed, what would happen if I touched His Hand. The song is an expression of gratitude based on prayer and a spiritual experience. Enjoy I Touched the Hand of Jesus | Story Behind Song

Story Behind Song

This song is purely a praise and testimony from my heart based on a spiritual experience. Many years ago when I was going through one of life’s difficult times; those times that you question what you believe in. I asked God to show me something in His Word. I closed my eyes and my Bible. (Now, realize this was a long time ago and I no longer seek spiritual guidance this way.)

When I opened up my Bible desperately searching for a hint of His presence I remember reading about the woman that touched the hem of His garment. Well, I wanted more. I thought Lord, maybe if I could just touch your hand. Lord, can you hold my hand through this difficult time? He was faithful as He always is. As I was falling asleep, this song came in my head and I got up, turned on the old recorder and started singing. This is an intimate song from a very personal and wonderful encounter with Jesus. Yes, He is real, He is there all you have to do is reach out to Him! Oh and yes, he brought me through that difficult time!

Production Notes

For my producer, this was the most challenging song. After e-mailing back and forth he just wasn’t feeling it. Once I got in the studio we realized the song is in two different timing signatures (for those of you who are musical). We made some tweaks to fine tune and edit out sections that made the song even more powerful. Amazingly after all of our trials and tribulations, once my producer laid the final track, the Holy Spirit moved in and anointed my voice in the studio. I finished this one on the first take and Doug was in tears. I wasn’t sure if Doug was crying because the Holy Spirit touched him or if he was so glad we finally got the song completed. The back-up vocals near the end were Doug’s idea. But the song is the result of Divine inspiration!


(Verse 1)
I touched the hand of Jesus,
And oh what a joy my soul felt inside.
When I touched the hand of Jesus,
He pulled me aside.
He told me child, I’ve got some plans,
Some plans for you.
And my child, I’ve got things I want you to do.
I touched the hand of Jesus
I know what my soul has felt.

Sometimes I get so lonely,
Sometimes I get so scared,
But you know what I do?
I reach out and touch the hand –
Of – my Jesus.

(Verse 2)
I touched the hand of Jesus,
And oh how it thrilled me inside.
I-I-oh-I-I touched the hand of Jesus,
I have peace of mind.
He promised – child, I’ve got a place,
A place for you.
Sweet child there is joy for you.
I touched the hand of Jesus
I know what to leave behind.

Sometimes I feel so used,
Other times I’ve been abused.
But Jesus took me by the hand –
He said child, my child,
You’re going to the Promised Land!

I touched the hand of (pause) Jesus.
‘Cause He’ll be all I’ll ever need.
And His name means so much to me.
And His word has opened my eyes to see.

(End Tag)
I touched the hand of Jesus!
Of Jesus, of Jesus!



I Touched the Hand of Jesus © 1987 Judith Baker (ASCAP) | Publisher LeBaker Music (ASCAP) | Music, Lyrics and Background Vocals by Judith Baker | Sound Recording and Production as work for hire by Doug Gazlay, D-Grooves Studio, Atlanta, GA 2005 | All Rights Reserved

Would you like your own custom original song?
Contact Judith to schedule a free consultation

Find Judith’s Music at these Retailers
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Suzanna’s Song | Story Behind Song

Judith Baker | LeBaker Music

Suzanna’s Song” is an Inspiration-Folk story based on a real-life event. Adapted from the Stephen Foster song “Ole Susanna” this song celebrates the triumph that could have been a tragedy without God’s intervention and the prayers of many. Enjoy this heartfelt rendition of Suzanna’s Song | Story Behind Song

Story Behind Song

The inspiration for “Suzanna’s Song” if based on a true event. Suzanna is the daughter of Steve and Stefanie Coburn Fuller. Stefanie is featured on “Our Song.” You could say Suzanna is the reason Stefanie and I are sisters in ministry and life for that matter. When Stefanie was expecting, she had unplanned complications.

Obedience Leads to a Life Long – Very Special Friendship

Stefanie and Suzanna

The Lord compelled me to go and visit her while she was in the hospital. I didn’t know Stefanie yet. I even wondered how God needed me to visit because Stefanie was already surrounded with family and friends. But as I say “God had a plan.” I was obedient and my life will never be the same. The Lord blessed me with a wonderful friend.

Forty days later Suzanna was born. Yes, she was premature, tiny, and fragile but she was healthy and God was faithful! I know it’s not my story but as a tribute to a God that “Still Makes a Way” and to other parents that have had rough times “Suzanna’s Song” was born. God still performs miracles and He is truly with us every step of the way.


(Verse 1)
Lying here, wondering will,
I ever see you smile.
Will you make it just one more day?
Jesus please be with this child.

Will you laugh?
Will you play?
Will you last just one more day?
Lord please be near us in this hour,
As I lie, alone and wait.

Oh Suzanna, please be strong with me.
I praise the Lord with all my soul,
Keep me near my God to thee.

(Verse 2)
There’s a hope inside
Of me each day,
As I wake once more to wait.
Lord, I can’t help but to be so scared,
What decisions must I make?

Will she hear?
Can she cry?
Lord please just give us more time.
And I wonder more yet wonder still,
As forty days go by.

And then I saw you –
For the first time Suzanna!
I will shout out Hallelujahs!
Glory forever!

Yes! Lord you are so real to me!
How great you are,
Keeping us,
In our time of need!

Oh Suzanna, I’m so glad for thee.
I Praise the Lord with all my heart!
I can bounce you on my knee.

(End Tag)
Yes, I praise the Lord with all my soul.
My God! How great – You
How great You are!


Suzanna’s Song © 2004 Judith Baker (ASCAP) | Publisher LeBaker Music 2018 (ASCAP) | Music and Lyrics by Judith Baker | Sound Recording and Production as work for hire by Doug Gazlay, D-Grooves Studio, Atlanta, GA 2005 | All Rights Reserved

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Our Song | Story Behind Song

Judith Baker | LeBaker Music

This song is an Inspirational Soprano Duet. Written by James and Judith Baker specifically for Judith and the talented Soprano Stephanie Coburn Fuller. Enjoy Our Song | Story Behind Song

The song is the last track featured on Judith’s album In Spirit and Truth, This beautiful baroque feeling song is real, raw, emotional and for those who love the high notes high starting out in the key of E flat. Stefanie and Judith trade off nailing those high Soprano notes. Can you tell who is singing what?

Story Behind Song

Judith, Doug and Stefanie recording day 2005

What can I say about Stefanie! Where do I start? I wanted to use a song that we have done several times but I felt that God had a plan for this CD and had His own songs He wanted laid on the tracks. I asked the Lord to give us a song and to my surprise my fabulous husband co-wrote it with me. 

Drawing lyrics from the Bible identifying God as “King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, I wanted a song that gave God Praise and Thanks for all He has done in my life. Consequently, completing the very last song on the project, my 2nd album, but 1st album of all original, phew, a life long dream is now completed.

I took Stefanie to the studio and check this out – we all know “7” is God’s number for completion. Consequently, this project is finished! This amazing duet is the last track, the last song written, and the last track to be recorded. When I arrived to pick up Stefanie my speedometer was on all 7’s! It was a confirmation for me that this project had God’s blessing as we neared completion. God speaks to us in so many ways if we just pay attention.

Production Notes

We got to the studio and she vocals blending beautifully. The song superseded my expectations. The first time I heard it I cried because I was so humbled at what God had done. To hear Stefanie’s angelic voice blending with mine it was a dream come true. Stefanie asked, “Was it that bad?” Doug laughed because he knew what was going on. This song is such a blessing to me, I still cry when I have a quiet moment to listen to it and meditate on the fact that I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for God and His mercy. All the Glory belongs to Him.

Let me take a moment and share why I choose Doug to produce the music on In Spirit and Truth. We met in college back in the day as they say. Doug was writing original music and completing arrangements for our college performances so I knew he was very talented. Further, I knew we could work together and create something amazing to the Glory of God. To put it another way Doug could put into music what I heard in my head. They only person I have been able to work with who can do this better is me, but I am not a producer. At least not yet, my husband keeps encouraging me to learn the craft. Who knows I just may produce my next album.


Check out our video for “Our Song”


(Verse 1)
I don’t know how I’ve come this far but it’s only by Your grace.
I can’t believe here’s another day I’m alive to bring You praise,
So with our hands and hearts held high,
You are my strength and my might.
You calm the storm and raging sea.
You did that for me, for me,
For someone like me.

It’s not our song because it’s Your song.
All the Glory belongs to You!
You made a sacrifice and laid down Your life.
Something no one else could do.
You are Almighty One, Savior and Friend, Savior and Friend
Blessed One who took our sins.
You are King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s,
This is our song.

(Verse 2)
I wandered through a vast wasteland to find You there all along.
I cried to You in troubled times and You only made me strong.
We see Your works and wondrous deeds,
We exalt You Lord on High!
You have every part of me,
Every deepest part of me, of me,
Of someone like me.

We offer up this song to You, it’s the least we can do.
You are Abba Father glorious Lord, Its You we adore.
We give You thanks, we give You praise!
Forever (Forever) and ever (and ever)
And ever (Praise You Lord)
And ever (Hallelujah!)
(dovetails into key change)

Repeat Chorus

(End Tag)
You are King of Kings and Lord of Lords
The Bles-sed One
This is our song! Our Song!

Our Song © 2005 Judith Baker (ASCAP) | Publisher LeBaker Music ASCAP) | Music by Judith Baker, Lyrics by James and Judith Baker | Sound Recording and Production as work for hire by Doug Gazlay, D-Grooves Studio, Atlanta, GA 2005 | All Rights Reserved | Duet Vocalist: Stefanie Coburn Fuller 

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