Random Notes August 2006

Welcome Friends! Howdy Yaw! I am loving, living in Nashville! Here is my Random Notes August 2006.

I want to say a huge thank you to all of you that took the time to rate “Breaking Free” You can rate it everyday. It will be on the Indieheaven Radio for 90 days. To those that took the time to post a comment on my Indieheaven Page, a big thanks! I appreciate your love and kind words. I covet your prayers!


The Bakers were thrilled to have company drop by while traveling. Fellow Nazarenes, the Anderson’s stopped by and we spent some wonderful time in Christian fellowship.

Check out their ministry at: jamm.andersonmusicgroup.com. Joe is a fellow singer/songwriter and has some beautiful music out there. Check him out and book Joe and Rochelle for an event! You will be blessed! These folks are the real deal! I am officially now a Registered Song Evangelist on the TN District, Church of the Nazarene. All Glory to God! I will always have a special place in my heart for my SC District!

Don’t be surprised if you hear the music from “In Spirit and Truth” on one of the Nazarene Word Mission Broadcast radio stations. Each region has a promo copy and permission to use the music as they see fit to further God’s kingdom.

I turned down my first record deal. This is really no big deal, – a small company in Oregon that has a different agenda than I do. It doesn’t make them bad just not for me.

I have a song being pitched right now in the country music market called “Mother’s Day.” It is an incredible opportunity and I am really excited. Met the contact who is pitching it at the CIA Summit, hosted by Indieheaven.

Side note for you, I met a lady while oooogling over her beautiful baby that asked me how do you raise a child to be a good person. She is from China and I told her that I am a Christian, and I use the principles and teaching from the Bible. She was unfamiliar with what I was saying. In China, there is no religion. We talked about that a spell and I asked her if she had a Bible. She said she did but it is very hard to read in English for her. Well, I e-mailed my dear friend that happens to work for the Gideon’s and she got me a Chinese Bible. I will be giving it to this lady. Please pray for her to find Christ through reading this Bible and bring her family to Christ. Be in prayer for this dear one. Let’s claim this soul for the Kingdom!

A Message from My Heart

I got a call on Aug 5th from Pastor Bravo of Summertown Church of the Nazarene asking me to come and minister on the 6th of August. Apparently the group they had scheduled had a problem and couldn’t make it. Every person in ministries nightmare! I joyfully accepted and took my girlfriend with me. We had such a blessed time in the Lord! God was ever present! I am always amazed at how He works and moves in the lives of His people. I always tell those I serve if they came to be entertained there is the door but if they came to worship then let’s get it on!

One thing I experienced is liberty. I had no time limit and was told to share what God laid on my heart. What a treat! What a huge responsibility to honor God and worship together with this congregation of my brothers and sisters. I realized more than ever, God wants us to be available yes, but once we are available are we usable?

God called so many servants before us, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Samuel…. They all share the same response “Here I am.” Jesus went on to say in Hebrews 10:9 – “Here I am, I have come to do your will.” So what’s planned in your life? What’s on your calendar, planner, day timer, Outlook Scheduler ….. What are we saying to God? Are we so stuck in our routine that saying “Here I am” is not on the schedule or is there so much clutter on the schedule that we are not usable? Makes you think.

Next Ministry Events

    • Aug 17th – For those of you in the greater Nashville Area, on Aug 17th and 6:00 AM, yes its AM, I am a featured guest on the program “Music City Explosion – Inspirational”. This program is on channel 17 the old PAX channel. If this is too early for you set those recorders!
    • Aug 27th – West Columbia Central Church of the Nazarene, Columbia, SC, In Concert- AM service
    • Sep 9 – Dickson County Fair, Dickson, TN
    • Sep 17 – Polly Crocket Festival, Winchester, TN

Are you available and usable for God?

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