Bigger Than Me

Learn about the 10 valuable lessons that continue to help me live a more meaningful life in this book “Bigger Than Me”

Bigger Then Me, A List of 10 Attitude Adjustments from the Perspective of a Forgiven Christian.

There are all kinds of self-help books out there. For some it complicates matters. Where do you go to get the help you need? Join me as I share my unique perspective, pearls of wisdom, and lessons learned to help you along your journey. After all living a more fulfilled and purpose identified life starts with getting out of your own way. Read what I learned as I combined my gifts to write my own story and step out of the box other people kept putting me in.

Preview Bigger Than Me Book Now Available on Amazon

The Inspiration from Judith

There I was, passed over for a promotion because the executive I worked for needed me to stay where I was. I was so frustrated and felt trapped. I felt like the person who got the job was less qualified and I clearly didn’t hang out with the right click. For some strange reason I thought my hard work and merit would win.

Have You Been There

Has this ever happened to you? How did you get thru it? I started dreaming again and thinking about all the things I wanted to do. Things that I put on hold for that JOB. Things like write a book, produce more music (which I was willing to learn), and spend more time with my family.

Turn Challenges Into Successes

Well I did it! I moved on to a new job, wrote 2 books, and produced my 4th and 5th music albums. I intentionally spent more time with my family and I am not looking back. It all started with this statement that came into mind and it lit me up “The box others put you in does not define who you are.” That empowered me to feel – understand – to do it. To not just dream but fulfill my dreams. How about you?

I adjusted my attitude and started doing the things I dreamed of and it’s high time you did the same thing too! Don’t let another day go by where you settle for being less than what you are capable of.

If you want to learn from my perspective read my 2nd book “Bigger Than Me: A-List of 10 Attitude Adjustments from the Perspective of a Forgiven Christian” – Available on Amazon in Kindle and Print. While your there I would be honored if you write me a review!

Want music? Listen to my 4th album “Bigger Than Me” released in 2021 and inspired from the same journey. This music complements this book very well. Available for download and streaming on all music services or right here at LeBaker Music.

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