Bigger Than Me

Learn about the 10 valuable lessons that continue to help me live a more meaningful life in this book “Bigger Than Me”

Bigger Then Me, A List of 10 Attitude Adjustments from the Perspective of a Forgiven Christian.

There are all kinds of self-help books out there. For some it complicates matters. Where do you go to get the help you need? Join me as I share my unique perspective, pearls of wisdom, and lessons learned to help you along your journey. After all living a more fulfilled and purpose identified life starts with getting out of your own way. Read what I learned as I combined my gifts to write my own story and step out of the box other people kept putting me in.

Preview Bigger Than Me Book Now Available on Amazon

The Inspiration from Judith

There I was, passed over for a promotion because the executive I worked for needed me to stay where I was. I was so frustrated and felt trapped. I felt like the person who got the job was less qualified and I clearly didn’t hang out with the right click. For some strange reason I thought my hard work and merit would win.

Have You Been There

Has this ever happened to you? How did you get thru it? I started dreaming again and thinking about all the things I wanted to do. Things that I put on hold for that JOB. Things like write a book, produce more music (which I was willing to learn), and spend more time with my family.

Turn Challenges Into Successes

Well I did it! I moved on to a new job, wrote 2 books, and produced my 4th and 5th music albums. I intentionally spent more time with my family and I am not looking back. It all started with this statement that came into mind and it lit me up “The box others put you in does not define who you are.” That empowered me to feel – understand – to do it. To not just dream but fulfill my dreams. How about you?

I adjusted my attitude and started doing the things I dreamed of and it’s high time you did the same thing too! Don’t let another day go by where you settle for being less than what you are capable of.

If you want to learn from my perspective read my 2nd book “Bigger Than Me: A-List of 10 Attitude Adjustments from the Perspective of a Forgiven Christian” – Available on Amazon in Kindle and Print. While your there I would be honored if you write me a review!

Want music? Listen to my 4th album “Bigger Than Me” released in 2021 and inspired from the same journey. This music complements this book very well. Available for download and streaming on all music services or right here at LeBaker Music.

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Story Behind the Album Roar

Introducing a compilation of rock music, spoken word, and classic hymns. We are excited to share the story behind the album “Roar

One Big Inspiration

Up until now, the music I have released has been a compilation of songs from the stories of others written at different times. Before I was blessed to learn the art of production I really amassed a wish list of songs to release. As you are aware, I generally share the story behind each song in an individual blog. For this project it was all inspired, unexpectedly, and at the same time. Here is my story behind the album Roar.

How it All Started

I was watching Prophet Robin Bullock’s program the 11th hour when he made the statement “we are soldiers living on the edge of life and death.” Hence just a few days later, I was deeply inspired by the October 2021, Fresh Fire Prophetic Conference at my home church Regeneration Nashville. Pastor Gene Bailey started it with a fresh commission as a soldier in the Army of the Lord. I was born a warrior for the Lord and this has always been in the fiber of my DNA. The Lord began speaking to me about creating a new project.

I remember thinking, but I just released “Bigger Than Me” and you want me to do another album this soon Lord? I didn’t question, I just listened. Shortly after the conference my husband and I headed to West Virginia to meet our new Nephew and spend time with family. In that down time divine inspiration came. Furthermore, it was the clearest instruction I have received by the Holy Spirit to date. Here is a brief back story for each song.

Download Roar Here

1. Roar

Roar (Title Track) – A strong rock song inspired by Apostle Jane Hamon instructing us from God’s word to stand in the Authority we have as believers in Christ and declare a war cry. To Roar! I literally hung onto every word she said in her message and took three pages of notes! The lyrics to this song came from those notes.

2. No Quarter

No Quarter – I already had in my que to create a song based on the 3rd Amendment of the Constitution of the United States of America. Additionally, I fully intended to use the Revolutionary war cry “Don’t Tread on Me,” in the song. When I heard Brother Robin say “we are soldiers living on the edge of life and death,” I knew this was it. This song is a rock-blues song with a killer drum solo. The raspy edge in the lead vocal was a fun surprise and a different sound from me. It really added a bluesy dimension to the song.

3. Secret Place

Secret Place was the first song I started working on during that wonderful trip to the majestic state of West Virginia. Inspired by the beauty and the joy of new life I started tinkering around in Logic Pro. Surprisingly, I created this grungy guitar sound that really resonated with me. Recently, I had just read Psalm 91 and at the same time it kept coming up in the messages of the ministries I follow. As a result of being out there, isolated, with people I love dearly being in a secret place was really resonating with me. Therefore, this is the inspiration behind the song.

4. Psalm 91

Psalm 91 is simply me reading the New Kings James version from the Bible to a whimsical and mysterious cinematic musical ensemble. I feel like everyone needs to read Psalm 91, memorize it, and believe it! Since the lyrics of Secret Place were inspired by this chapter in the Bible, logically adding it as spoken word would help people discover the beautiful and encouraging chapter of the Word.

The Last 3 Tracks (5, 6 & 7)

Near The Cross (track 5) and Nearer My God To Thee (track 6) were first the background music for the last track The Little Almond Tree (track 7). First let me talk about The Little Almond Tree which is inspired by a podcast from Pastor Kent Christmas. The Lord led me to create this narrative into a beautiful story with Near The Cross and Nearer My God To Thee as instrumental background music. Appropriate for any one who loves a good story, children really enjoy The Little Almond Tree.

Sometimes Less is More

Incidentally, as we know the music in our world today is all over the place. So much variety and so many choices. I love and do create a lot of different genres and styles of music. My only limitation is I have a commission from God to create music that is Christian or family friendly. So, it should come as no surprise to you to learn that I love Hymns. With all the fantastic worship music out there today, I strongly felt that many will not know the songs behind the narrative of The Little Almond Tree. Finally, I took Near The Cross and Nearer My God To Thee and produced two songs that simply stunned me when they were completed. Near The Cross has a very traditional feel and Nearer My God To Thee has a beautiful Celtic feel to it. You don’t have to be a Christian to appreciate that sometimes less is more and these two Hymns are profoundly amazing in and of themselves. Producing a rendition of these classics is humbling to me.

In Conclusion

Interesting story to share about what happened while mixing and mastering one of the songs. As you can imagine, I have long loved the Fanny Crosby Hymn Near The Cross. Notably the song is part of many of my Resurrection Sunday celebrations. While I was putting the finishing touches on Near The Cross, our neighbor had an emergency. As you can presume, EMS and the Fire Department were present. While I was listening to the final mix of “Near the Cross,” which said…

“Near the cross, I’ll watch and wait hoping, trusting ever
‘Til I reach the golden strand just beyond the river…”

Our dear sweet neighbor, suffering from debilitating dementia and declining rapidly went home to be with the Lord. Unquestionably, I believe God gave this precious dear woman her own soundtrack to go home to Glory.

Download Roar Here

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© 2022 Judith Baker | ASCAP | Publisher: LeBaker Music & CD Baby

All Rights Reserved

Would you like your own custom original song?

Contact Judith to schedule a free consultation

Find Judith’s Music  on all Video and Streaming Services

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Bigger Than Me | Album Release

Friends I am super excited to share the release of my 4th music project with you. These 13 original songs are born from the realization that, far too often, I get in my own way causing me to miss out on the better opportunities God has for me. Bigger Than Me | Album Release

Many times when doors do not open while we are on our journey we internalize it, get mad, or even feel like we are a failure. The truth is that door may not be what God has planned for you and your life. Sure you can try to force your way in the door, but does that ever really have a happy ending?  When the Lord opens a door for you no person, place, or thing will be able to close that door.

Bigger Than Me,” tells the story of redemption, healing, spiritual renewal, and the Greatness of God, from the stories of everyday people.

One of the things I love most about this project is it’s not just my story. Many of the songs on the project are the stories from other people’s triumphs. Take track 2 “Come Find Me (Logan’s Song)” which he asked me to write for him. Each song has a story and in the coming months I will be sharing the stories behind the songs but in the meantime, I hope “Bigger Than Me” brings joy, comfort, hope, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all who take the time to listen to it. We all have a story, and though an arm of LeBaker Music focuses on Leadership, the best example I know of true servant leadership is Jesus. May this project, dedicated to Him bless your soul.

Support an American, Veteran & Woman Owned Business

Listen to “Bigger Than Me” right here and purchase your favorite tracks to download, or find this amazing project on your favorite streaming service.

For you singers, accompaniment tracks are available exclusively at our LeBaker Music Store. Stems are available for most songs for Film and TV music supervisors.


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Bigger Than Me,” |© 2021  Judith Baker (ASCAP) | Publisher LeBaker Music (ASCAP) | Music, Lyrics, Production and Sound Recording by Judith Baker All Rights Reserved

Would you like your own custom original song?
Contact Judith to schedule a free consultation

Find Judith’s Music at these Retailers
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Key Leadership Qualities

Key Leadership Qualities

The Key Leadership Qualities It Takes to Be a BOSS… A Woman Entrepreneur in Business Today: How You Can Apply Leadership Principles and Use Them to become an Entrepreneur.

Key Leadership QualitiesThis book, the first in a series for Entrepreneurial minded women, discusses the key leadership qualities Women need to start or run a business. It is for Women who are asking questions, just like I was. Inside the contents of this book, you will find solutions to the problems that Women who are Entrepreneurs often encounter.

Have you been asking questions such as…

    • How do I break down the barriers?
    • Do I have the right mindset to run my own business?
    • How can I make it as an Entrepreneur?
    • How can I improve my leadership style to benefit my business?
    • Who has been there, and done that as a woman and how can I learn from her?

It All Started When

I have long dreamed of being an entrepreneur, after all, it is in my blood. But how do you do that and work a 9-5 traditional job? After much prayer & contemplation, I believed that I had to figure that out. There is so much I have yet to contribute to our world. My business had to be born for me to stay sane. I had to get it out by sharing my creative talents and encouraging spirit with the world.

Likewise, I had to stop worrying about “what if no one likes my baby.” I am over that! For all those that may not like my contributions to the world, there are most likely more who DO like my contributions to the world. I had to face the reality that my 9-5 is never going to fill that void my creative and entrepreneurial soul craves. Just because I work a 9-5 job, to be transparent, did not mean I can’t start my creative journey and step into my calling. So I did it! I took the plunge and created LeBaker Music in 2018. The doors continue to open. God sent me to a new employer that celebrates every success I am blessed with and encourages me to work and thrive in both worlds.

The only way to survive is to create opportunity, rather than to wait for it to come to you” – Judith Baker

If I Did It You Can Do It Also

For me the urge of entrepreneurship called from deep within. “It is a very hard signal to ignore. First, you start thinking about your concept incessantly. Then, it can start to feel like your current job, business, or life path is less interesting by the day. The idea to create your vision brews strong in your head, and it starts to feel like your only option is to make your idea a reality.” Judith Baker

Challenges And Hurdles

Key Leadership QualitiesStarting your own business is not an easy task. Many women find it challenging and often feel like they’re not being taken seriously. It is easy to second guess do I even have the key leadership qualities it takes to walk this road. When hurdles and rough spots come your way. Remember your business is like growing a tree not a flower. It’s going to take time. ”In business we need to prepare and plan for overcoming hurdles.” Instead of avoiding and dreading the “hurdles.”

Why not find a productive way to plan for them? Not only does this build confidence but you are more likely to succeed in the business world. For example, you make music and you want to license it for film and TV. You do the research and submit your song to a music supervisor and they reject it because “It wasn’t they were looking for.” It’s okay to be disappointed but don’t let it hold you back! Find another music supervisor and be persistent or foster a relationship and learn what that music supervisor typically is looking for. Consequently, go write the next song to fit that mold. There are always options. Just don’t quit! Keep writing!

Time Management

Here is an extra tip from my journey. Time management is probably the most important thing for me. You must be very intentional about how you spend your time. Watching hours of T.V. is a rare treat for me. To protect my time on the weekends, I pay someone to clean our house and I am rarely on social media outside of marketing my business. You are going to have to be disciplined and determine for yourself where you can carve out time to work on your baby, your entrepreneurial dream. 

On the other side, you also must have balance and spend time on the things and with the people most important to you. Everyone is different and every journey is not the same. What I am saying here is look at your day, the activities you participate in and figure out where can you carve out an hour or even 30 minutes. Plan what your going to do during that time so you are not sitting somewhere fixated on the wrong items and setting yourself up to see your dream remain a dream. When I finally set goals for myself and followed up with the actionable steps it was going to take to complete the goals, I could then concentrate on what to do in the time I had carved out.

The Take Away

Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.” ~ Albert Einstein.

My challenge to you is simple and from the last page of my book.

Go, be extraordinary, and kick-start your business.” Reach your potential by learning from other leading ladies. Embrace the mindset needed to lead your entrepreneurial business like a boss.”

Call For Help

Don’t forget to help others along the way. And, speaking of help, If you read my book I would be very grateful for a review on Amazon.

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