We Need To Address This

It is safe to say my family and l were expecting a bright and hopeful 2020. Vacation plans, a mission trip and family visits all cancelled before April. History perpetually seems to keep repeating itself. From weather tragedies, fires, Swine Flu to COVID-19, from racist attitudes to more racist attitudes. We need to address this. Many people are angry, frustrated, and hopeless. Many people are tired of everything going on and just want a little peace. I firmly believe God can calm this storm, but at the same time we need to look within.

Look Inside


Decades have gone by and we are still a nation struggling with racial equality. It’s absolutely heart breaking. Hard questions are being asked:

    • Why did another human have to get killed, by the police before there is a call for change?
    • Since the days when slavery ended, why are some communities still segregated and impoverished.
    • What makes two white men gun down a black man jogging down the street?
    • So what kind of impact are we having on each other?
    • What do our children see and what are we teaching them? 

In this difficult time, it is important that we stand together and we look beyond our skin colors. Yes, we have movements and protests for the purpose of raising awareness to these important matters. We need to look inside and ask ourselves what am I living for? How have I let current circumstances affect my attitude? Am I acting on emotion or facts?

I have a friend that is a Pastor and he always told his mixed heritage congregation that this is Heaven practice down here because Heaven will not be segregated since the Bible says God is no respecter of persons or “…God does not show favoritism.” (Romans 2:11). May God help us now. As Martin Luther dreamed that his children would not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character it pains me deeply that all these years later the struggle is alive and real.


What happened to Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, and Breonna Taylor is wrong! But as a nation, deep into the streets and living rooms of our communities, it is important to ask why? Is it as simple as racism? Is there any sense of compassion remaining for one another? Does hate stop more hate? Please don’t misunderstand, what those policemen did was terrible. That this is STILL going on since Rodney King is even worse.

However, rioting and looting does not justify these deaths, it doesn’t help any community, and it doesn’t bring Arbery, Floyd or Taylor back – it is more hate. When will people stop using tragedies and politicians as scape goats. When will people start questioning why are they so angry? What happens if they choose to effect change in a positive manner? I want to clarify I’m not pointing my finger at any particular group of people. Everyone needs to do better, everyone needs too look within. Everyone needs to be the change they want to see, including me.


Social media and hashtags are storming the internet at the moment. It’s people’s way of feeling heard. However, if you tweet how much you hate something a politician is doing, why not message them directly? I don’t mean in direct messages on Twitter or Instagram. The White House, your congressional representatives, State Legislators, City Officials all have an email address.

You may not feel like one little email can’t make a difference but it can. When I was a little girl I enjoyed the Charlie Brown cartoon specials that rolled around occasionally. The only problem was as a young child my bedtime was 8:00 pm, promptly. For whatever reason the network aired the Charlie Brown specials at 9:00 pm. It irritated me so much.

My wise mother suggested I write the network and ask they rearrange their programming. My first response was, “they’re not going to listen to me, I am just a kid,” to which my mother replied, “You will never know if you don’t at least try.” So I did it. I wrote the network, I shared my thoughts and provided the suggestion that they air the Charlie Brown specials no later than 7:00 pm. The network heard me, the tiny little voice of a kid, and they moved the Charlie Brown special to an earlier time slot. 

Take Action

One voice can make a difference! Let’s look at politics for a moment. If you find an elected official does not represent your ideal democracy don’t just pout and shout about it. There are better ways to communicate. If you are not fond of your elected representative(s) I have a few questions:

    • Did you vote?
    • Have you contacted the political official regarding the challenges you are concerned about?
    • Are you willing to work with these officials to find solutions to racism issues?

I realize the political powers that be may not be your choice but you can still effect change. Do you have any idea how many letters, meetings, communications Dr. Martin Luther King sent? Would the civil rights movement even have existed if Dr. King only posted his frustrations on social media? People must individually decide to be a person willing to work with political leaders to make a difference about the things that matter instead of taking sides. When have we ever agreed 100% with any elected official.

What Can I Do

As a leadership consultant and retired military professional, I know first hand that people in these types of positions want to hear ideas for solutions. So when you present your concerns, be professional, be specific and provide ideas for solutions. That is how democracy works. Arguing with others on twitter about who is right and who is wrong is just noise that will never rise above the fray. In the words of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., “In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” Let us not be silent! Let us be productive, proactive, and unite as one nation!

Make A Positive Stand in Your Community:

Authors Judith and Zoey Baker

#LeBakerMusic #BeTheChange #2020 #beextraordinary

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